
Purrathia, a land of enigmatic beauty and ancient mysteries, sits nestled between the foreboding expanse known as the Slithering Wastes to its west and the once-thriving kingdom of Miradan to its north. The country’s origins are steeped in legend, with tales that speak of a time when mystical feline beings, the Tabaxi, sought refuge in these lands, drawn by the serene landscapes and bountiful resources.   Long before its establishment as a kingdom, Purrathia was once an untamed wilderness, rich with vibrant flora and teeming with diverse wildlife. The Tabaxi, known for their grace, agility, and reverence for nature, found a harmonious connection with the land. Over time, they formed close-knit communities, blending their ancient traditions with the natural rhythms of Purathia.   The country’s boundaries were shaped by both its advantageous position between the Slithering Wastes and Miradan and its natural defenses. The Slithering Wastes, a treacherous and desolate expanse, acted as a natural barrier that discouraged most intruders from the west. To the north, the proximity to Miradan, once a source of prosperity and trade, offered both opportunities and occasional tensions as the two cultures interacted.   Purrathia thrived as a kingdom known for its deep-rooted connection to the mystical and natural world. The Tabaxi rulers, wise and revered, upheld a society that valued harmony with nature above all else. They govern through a Queen, respecting the delicate balance between tradition and progress.   However, as Miradan fell into disarray following conflicts with the dwarves and orc invasions, tensions between the two nations simmered. The once-thriving trade routes and alliances dwindled, leaving a palpable strain on the relationship between Purrathia and Miradan.   Despite the challenges, Purrathia remained resilient. The Tabaxi, ever resourceful and adaptable, focused on fortifying their borders and deepening their connection with the land. They sought to maintain their independence and shield their kingdom from the ripples of chaos emanating from Miradan’s downfall and the unpredictability of the Slithering Wastes.   In this shifting landscape, Purrathia stands as a beacon of tranquility and ancient wisdom. The Tabaxi, guardians of their mystical homeland, navigate the delicate balance between isolation and engagement, protecting their borders while keeping alive the ancient traditions that bind them to the vibrant soul of their kingdom.


Feline races (Tabaxi, Leonin, etc): 90% Other: 10%


Queen's Claws (Paladins) Black Foot (Rogues/Rangers)
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank


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