Draelakai Ümoulazar

The invincible wizard-king whose legend, crafted by sings and rockers, lives on in the hearts of rebels and punks

Born to rule, Bane of Diesel, Destroyer of the Iron Flame ♫   A sorcerer-king, peerless and vile, with eyes that burn like fire ♫   DRAE-LA-KAI! MASTER OF NIGHTMARES! ALL MEN FEAR YOUR NAME! ♫   THE WIELDER OF THE CHAOS LIGHT DOES DECLARE TONIGHT - THE DIESEL-GOD MUST DIE! ♫
— Excerpt from NQUISTR's hit single "Iron Apocalypse"(Live at Lumisterra) that led to the band's public execution shortly thereafter

Divine Domains

Chaos, Magic


As a relatively small-scale fable unheard of even within different parts of The Iron Empire, the following of Draelakai Ümoulazar is not known to have any artifacts of any magical or supernatural kind - however, the faith is widely believed to seek the belongings and instruments of the Fable's creators, the once-popular underground heavy metal band NQUISTR, as artifacts of their faith(Especially those that belonged to the Band's Lead Singer and Organizer).

Holy Books & Codes

Though the following of Draelakai Ümoulazar lacks any codified holy books, the various albums, merchandise, singles, and other paraphernalia that once belonged to or were produced by the now-defunct heavy metal band NQUISTR as its holy books and holy items, especially the band's hit single(Now listed firmly in The Iron Empire's Outlawed Media List) 'Iron Apocalypse', which is credited for the popularization of the legend of Draelakai Ümoulazar and this entire fable, as its "Holy Book" above all else.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbol of Draelakai Ümoulazar and this fable have been derived from the symbol used by the fable's creators, the now-defunct heavy metal band NQUISTR - a skull in the center of an inverted pentacle.

Tenets of Faith

The Diesel-God must die! Cast down his edifices, hinder his influence, and ruin his authority wherever it can be found.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Common Adherents

As a Class I Fable as determined by the Iron Empire's Institute of Mythmaker Fables, the Tale of Draelakai Ümoulazar(On top of being outlawed as a heretical faith by The Iron Empire) has yet to completely spread throughout the land of The Iron Empire where it originated. Considered underground and secular even by the standards of the already small Class I Fables, the adherents of the tale of Draelakai Ümoulazar are most commonly rebels, anarchists, and even wizards and other heretical mages - most all of whom are drawn to the faith's heretical teachings by a shared hatred for the ruthless oppression the faith of Tavross, The Iron Emperor enacts upon the populace of The Iron Empire.   Amongst the rebel and the outlaw and even the rogue mage alike, the legend of Draelakai Ümoulazar is spread as a call to action for any who seek to stand against the establishment and governmental systems of The Iron Empire, and even more specifically the man who stands atop it all - Tavross, The Iron Emperor. The adherents of this tale can run the gamut on the exact means, methods, and goals - whether they be dedicated to the destruction of The Iron Empire as a whole or simply to the assassination and murder of Tavross, The Iron Emperor himself that the nation might be free of his tyranny, the adherents of this fable hold the creators of Draelakai Ümoulazar and his legend, the now-defunct Ironite Heavy Metal band NQUISTR, as the shining paragons of rebellion, punk, and rock-and-roll - Heavy Metal Heroes who dared to stand up against the tyranny of the establishment and were slain for their efforts.   Carried on the backs of brave and daring Mythmakers, this fable has taken root and is continuing to spread in small patches throughout The Iron Empire as the legend of a wicked wizard-king - Draelakai Ümoulazar himself - whose might and glory shall bring down Tavross, The Iron Emperor once and for all once his tales have been spread fully throughout the world. In truth, the adherents of this tale are split in two relative factions regarding this tale - those that see Draelakai Ümoulazar as a fictional entity whose stories and legends are inspiring and, while clearly fictional, are nonetheless a rallying point for rebels, punks, and outlaw mages alike to stand against the government, and those who wholeheartedly believe the tales of Draelakai Ümoulazar and his wrathful might; that believe the band NQUISTR was merely a vessel for the legendary Avatar of Chaos Incarnate who will one day return to the world to cast down The Iron Empire and Tavross, The Iron Emperor in a cataclysmic display of magical might. Mages, as one might expect, tend to land themselves more clearly in the latter camp - while non-mages tend to rally around the first camp, believing that his existence is largely irrelevant; preferring instead to champion Draelakai Ümoulazar and his creators, the band NQUISTR, as true heavy metal martyrs whose deeds shall ring forever when Lumisterra is toppled and the reign of Tavross, The Iron Emperor is ended at long last.  

Origins of the Tale

The tale of Draelakai Ümoulazar begins and largely ends with its creators - the Heavy Metal Band NQUISTR that, many decades prior to the modern day, formed from the powerful charisma and earnest dedication of one man by the name of Einar Erlandsson, Lead Singer and Founder of NQUISTR alongside Lionel McAndrew, Samantha Howe, and Clayton Walsh - all relatively small-time musicians that, united under the charisma of the mysterious foreigner Einar, crafted the first songs of Draelakai Ümoulazar and his legendary magical prowess in the underground scenes in and around The Iron Empire's capital of Lumisterra, where they rapidly earned a name for themselves as a troublesome group of anarchists whose concerts and venues would often devolve into riots at the height of the band's performances and scatter before the authorities could catch them.   This trend continued for many years, and the band would go on to self-publish several albums under various publishers all the while skirting the line between tolerated band and wanted criminals in the eyes of The Iron Empire - which they swung between on several occasions during the 5 or 10 odd years of their lifetime as a band. Their songs becoming increasingly anti-establishment as time went on, crafting the legend of the Wizard-King Draelakai Ümoulazar who, over the course of several albums and the crafting of an entire alternate world where he, a man driven mad and who embraced the primordial forces of chaos in exchange for limitless power by the deeds of a fictional hero-king referred to only as "The Iron Heir", the songs of the band NQUISTR centered largely around the planetary conflicts of Draelakai Ümoulazar and his rival The Iron Heir - their battles sung of in ludicrous scale as their magical and martial battles leveled mountains, demolished planets, and decided the fate of galaxies; The Valiant and Heroic Heir of Iron, seeking to crush the forces of Chaos channeled by Draelakai Ümoulazar and settle the fictional Kingdom of Kildarr upon his corpse, pitted eternally against the Avatar of Chaos Draelakai Ümoulazar who sought to tear down the Heir of Iron and destroy him in a selfish bid to get revenge on the foolish, valiant Heir of Iron for casting down his own lands in order to make room for his conquests to establish his "Kingdom of Kildarr".   And for a time, though their rebellious antics often descended into riots, the band was ever careful to skirt the line of obedience and remain in the good graces of Tavross, The Iron Emperor and The Iron Empire as a whole - yet, as time went on, their antics became increasingly dangerous and radical when it became apparent that the small-scale concerts and underground riots were proving insufficient at spreading the apparent chaos that the band wished to be their message.   All the band's years of anarchy and riotous anti-establishment rhetoric came to a head during their now-infamous "Live at Lumisterra" concert, where the group successfully booked their largest stage yet to advertise the release of their single and identically named Album "Iron Apocalypse" - during their performance of which, while they sung the aforementioned single before a crowd of tends of thousands which was said to include high ranking members of the faith of Tavross, The Iron Emperor himself(And, some say, the Diesel-God Himself), the Band deviated from the lyrics it had gotten approved by the government beforehand and sung a new tale of Draelakai Ümoulazar - of his quest to slaughter "The Diesel-God", a new villain that had appeared that may or may not have been meant to be identical to "The Heir of Iron" - one that stirred the audience of thousands into open rebellion against Tavross, The Iron Emperor, demanding his execution in brutal lyrics that were cut short by The Iron Empire before they could be finished.   In the end, the band NQUISTR was executed immediately following their performance of their hit single upon that sunlit stage - impaled upon the highest points of Lumisterra and left for all the world to see under charges of fostering treason against the Iron Throne on the largest scale imaginable. However, the legend of Draelakai Ümoulazar lived on, and in the years following garnered such a cult following that the Mythmakers, astonished that a fable that could grant divine power had arisen so quickly, were forced to classify Draelakai Ümoulazar and his legend that had been crafted by the now-defunct band NQUISTR as a Class I Fable as the first followers of that legend began to emerge in riots against the Government, dedicated to the band which had created them.   Now, the legend of Draelakai Ümoulazar lives on in the hearts and minds of those who recall that final concert of NQUISTR, Live at Lumisterra, where the band's electric performance and legendary lyrical performance was so moving that the band seemed like invincible gods upon that iron stage - shouting a heavy-metal cry to action against Tavross, The Iron Emperor, The Diesel-God himself, that resonates even now and continues to inspire rebellions, riots, and more in the citizens of The Iron Empire while Draelakai Ümoulazar himself, even to the masses who know not of his status as a true fable, joins the band that created his legend as a symbol of rebels, punks, and anti-establishment sentiment that many have now grown up seeing posters of, hearing songs about, and idolizing as a shining "cool" example of what it means to be a true rebel.
Divine Classification
Class I Fable
Chaotic Evil
Embodied Aspect(s)
Area/Culture of Origin
The Iron Empire
The Master of Nightmares, Keeper of the Infinite Flame
Favored Weapon
Musket Axe
Spend an hour writing, singing, or creating new media, tales, stories, and so on that further the legend of Draelakai Ümoulazar and leave them in places where they might be found by others. Once done, inscribe the symbol of The Master of Nightmares upon a sheet of paper and burn it while chanting his name, being sure to inhale the resulting smoke.
You gain a constant extraordinary Detect the Faithful effect for any followers of Tavross, The Iron Emperor, and can as an immediate action raise the misfire value of a firearm you can see within 60ft by 1d4+1 for 1 minute. You can only have one firearm targeted this way at a time. You may treat this fable, Draelakai Ümoulazar, as a valid entity that can offer access to The Rite of Subsumation for as long as you maintain this obedience. Treat him as a Grade III Patron Entity for this purpose, with the condition for the Rite's maintenance being the continuation of this obedience and a unique task or purpose decided between you and the GM.


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