King's Melee

You can hardly call them melees these days. It's mostly just some milk drinkers beating each other. The first sight of blood and they fuckcing yield like a bunch of Navarans. Back in my days we had hundreds of combatants, all eager to tear each other limb from limb.
Back then we did not "yield," back then you either killed or got killed. Those who were left still breathing at the end were living legends! Avatars of courage and strength! Back then the blood was real, the rage was real, and so were the people. Now? Now it's all a show and we have to thank the emperor for letting us keep one of our most sacred traditions. Those lousy men don't stand a chance against you.
— Yrmir, Berserker of Vagrif to Sigvir Bolverk before his melee.
  The King's Melee is a Kavirian tradition for electing generals and army leaders. The melee is not a fight to the death, yet they occur almost every year, as a King's Melee isn't considered a reputable one unless there are at least five deaths.


The Melee is an ancient tradition and an integral part of Kavirian culture. The first records of a melee date back to the time of Agustin Andor, and it is arguably the oldest tradition still practiced in Kingdom of Kavir. Despite the empire's attempts to stop the "barbaric" tradition and replace it with a more "logical" electorate system, the people of Kavir still practice it with pride to these days.


When a new king is elected from among the Earls, his first task is to form the army. The king summons a contender from each earldom, the earls can choose to send any fighter they wish, but will usually send their heir. The contenders all gather in Draxig for a feast and a celebration, after which they all engage each other simultaneously in a field the king has chosen. Each contestant goal is to down as many opponents as possible during the event, that may last a full day in some cases.


When the melee ends, the five with the highest number of downed opponents may demand any military role from the king, in the order of their ranking in the melee. To "win" a melee is considered great honor in Kaviri culture and the winners are perceived as heroes in the kingdom and in their clans.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572
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