Saifer, Wenfer Profession in Numidius | World Anvil

Saifer, Wenfer

Saifer and Wenfer are the members of a magic using caste within Agam'an society that optimize a ship's course while sailing. Both roles are gender specific, saifers being exclusively males and wenfers exclusively female. In the in Avaree language, "saifer" roughly translates to "shepherd of currents" and "wenfer" roughly translates to "tamer of winds".



Both roles are gender specific, with saifer being exclusively male and wenfer exclusively female; Agam'ani children are trained from a young age to specialise in a role within their shorsh, and those that either possess an inherent talent or are simply fast learners will go on and eventually fulfill these roles. Scholarly studies suggest that both crafts manipulate the weave in a similar fashion to druids do.



Required on Agam'an ships of all kinds. Some require only one, some requiring both, some either, and some several.

Social Status

Agam'an society is a tangled web of roles with nuanced differences, comprised of many different castes. Saifers and wenfers, together with a ship's maiden, consist their own caste that is outside of the normal hierarchy. Members of this caste are revered to a certain extant and enjoy limited privileges, such as having their own quarters, or wenfers being allowed into a council of captains (while saifers aren't). Additionally, They are exempt of manual labor and day to day maintenance of their ships.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572

Prestige Class

Taking a level in this class requires the following:
  • Character Level: 5+
  • Wisdom: 13+
  • Base Class: Druid, Cleric, Shaman, or Sorcerer.
  • Ethnicity: Agam'an or Estrerran.
  • Special: Must train as an apprantice aboard an Agam'an ship for at least three months.
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