L'anth Organization in Nune | World Anvil
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L'anth is the Elven Kingdom in the Caligo Jungle .


The kingdom is ruled by the upper class of nobles, who each elect a new king every 25 years. Only the nobles are allowed to vote in the elections. Much of the time the king does not gold as much individual power as you might think. The families around him often are pulling many of the strings.   The preservation and protection of the jungle is headed by the The Tri-Bough Enclave, a druidic circle which operates with the power of the crown.  


It is forbidden to consume the meat of any dinosaurs. It is forbidden to cause harm to the jungle.  




The culture of L'anth is very strongly tied to the natural world. They build cities, but they attempt to leave as much of the surrounding jungle up as possible. They mine stone from the mountains and drag it into the jungle for construction, seeking to use as little wood as possible.


The L'anthians have a strong affinity for the wildlife in the jungle, and have a long history of taming the various dinosaurs species as mounts and beasts of burden. Consuming these creatures is forbidden, and many of the more traditional elves adopt completely vegetarian diets, however many elves still eat other animals not sacred to them.


The only religion in L'anth is the worship of Corellon, the creator of the elves.  



Major Cities

Ter L'anth is the capital of the kingdom and center of the government of L'anth.
Geopolitical, Kingdom

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