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The Pukka are small fairy creatures that love to play tricks on humanoids. Pukka go by many names and "haunt" various locations. They often live in one place, treating the house as though they were their personal mansion, making various noises, spreading vicious rumors, mocking, and jesting, without doing any direct harm at all. Many of them play small musical harps or ring bells. Initially, they tell jokes, help with household chores, and make merry, so that those in the house become so familiar and well acquainted with the them that those in the house do not fear the Pukka. But if Pukka have freedom to practice their own malicious desires, their pranks are not jests, but earnest attempts to harm. Slowly, the Pukka picks away at body and soul, bit by bit. No matter the place they call home, Pukka share certain characteristics and abilities. They can "jump" from place to place, seemingly winking in and out of existence. They love creating minor illusions to vex the humanoids in the area. They inflict hideous laughter or viciously mock folk. Most of all, they enjoy vexing all those within their sphere of influence.

Pukka can instill nightmares in old women but also card their wool while they sleep. They are known to lead travelers astray. Pukka can take the shape of animals. They blow out candles in order to kiss the girls in the dark. They short-sheet the bed, or pull the covers off while one sleeps. Pukka expose secrets. They exchange babies in cradles with baby elves or animals.

One of the most common types is the house pukka. These creatures can be summoned by extended periods of loneliness, and therefore, love to vex those who are usually elderly and alone. In some cases, Pukka are known to be helpful to the resident in exchange for small payment like cookies and milk. However, if their desires are not met, they steal what they think they are owed, or wreak great havoc.

Other types include the Taterpukka, Barleypukka, Cornpukka that haunt fields. There are the Waypukka that change the directions on signposts. Pukka can take the form of a humanoid and usually take names similar to Robert Goodman. There are the Treepukka of the forest and orchard. The Stonepukka that bombard the home with rocks are especially vicious. Pukka can lead children into the wilds so the child becomes lost, then "help" the search party. Shellpukka live near the sea and create an armor of shells.

Listening to a bard's tales of the Pukka is a fun pastime, living with a Pukka can feel like living in hell.
Scientific Name
Fae Pukka
The Fae Realm


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