BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Summer Camp 2023!!!

This year I am planning on continued work on the world of Nuome. Last year I was unable to participate in Summer Camp, but two years ago I made the Copper level. I am hoping to do at least as well this year or better!!    
  Nuome is a high fantasy campaign setting. In this world, power lies in the hands of the various factions that exist along the eastern coast of the continent of NOG. Thousands of years ago the forces of evil pushed the good guys all the way to the eastern coast. It was only the actions of the Gods of Good that kept the evil ones from pushing all the good creatures into the eastern sea. Now, the men from behind the wall have pushed further and further out from the countries behind the great wall. Ancient factions like the Kings Behind the Wall, the Nolani thieves guild, and the dragons to the south and the eastern islands use their power to shape the expanding Empire of men. The forces of evil are growing strong again. The Dwarves of the west are fighting a Drow invasion. The Elves of the north are trying to determine their relationship with the strange mechanical creatures infiltrating their Valley from the far northern LAN continent. Nobody has heard a thing from the port cities of the Western Sea. The growing nation of kobolds that worship the red dragon to the south are causing the nations of men and orcs fear. The brass dragon of the island nation of the eastern sea is agitated and hiring adventurers of all types to find his missing wife. The Southern elves are hiring adventurers to find a passage from the Eastern to the Western Sea. This is the world that I am exploring and recreating with the aid of World Anvil and it's fantastic community.

Cover image: by Allan Reith via ArtBreeder


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