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Dried irvabell

A shrubby herb with distinctive purple and silver flowers and fern-like leaves commonly found in the temperate regions of Ewaes.

Medical use

Irvabell's primary 'medical use' is to advertise the services of traditional healers and herbalists.
As access to medical treatment gets improves and urbanisation spreads, tranditional healers and herbalists have largely been replaced by university-educated physicians. However, there are certain treatments physicians are unable or unwilling to provide, and regional ailments that contemporary medicine does not recognise (eg: catblindness or elfshot). For patients requiring 'complementary treatment', a bouquet of dried Irvabell hung on a door is a sign for those in the know that medical treatment may be obtained inside.


All parts of the plant are poisonous, and the sap contains urushiol and produces a painful allergic reation on contact with the skin and blindness on contact with the eyes. Appropriate protection should be worn when handling the flowers to prevent oils transferring onto the skin.

Magical use

The dried flowers are commonly used in spells and oils granting protection to property.
In very small quantities, dried flowers can be boiled into a tea. The resulting liquid is a powerful sedative and is used to induce a near-death trance state that faclitates communication wit the dead. This practice is extremely dangerous, with potentially fatal consequences, and has been banned across Ewaes as part of a blanket prohibition against necromancy.  

Mythology and superstitions

The old stories say that the bell-shaped blossoms ring in the presence of those with malicious intent and that the ringing scares away malevolent spirits and ghosts. Consequentially, irabell plants have become a common sight near gates and land boundaries, although their poisonous nature means that they are usually restricted to property boundaries and are rarely found near homes.
A bouquet of dried leaves placed over a hearth is said to grant all members of the family protection from elfshot. Despite its reputation as a protective plant, it is said that sleeping in a room with a bouquet of dried irvabell flowers, or with irvabell growing under a bedroom window, will cause miscarriage. It is thought that this might be an allusion to the reproductive and abortative services provided by traditional healers.
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