Nacheca Tribe Ethnicity in Nurna | World Anvil
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Nacheca Tribe

Most of descendants from the Aztlani people, after the sundering of their continent, sailed to the east, heading to Ronurna. However, some took the southern route and settled in the white salt deserts of Lanurna's west coast. Even though it's a harsh environment, the Nacheca Tribe found ways to survive in it. To this day, many dwarves value them as excellent hirelings and trustworthy scouts, since no one knows the deserts like them.


Major language groups and dialects

Nacheca talk some kind of "old" Aztlani dialect, mixed with words from their clans. Nacheca are hard to understand for their civilized counterparts of the north: they always speak with infintives, and have little vocabulary in things refered to the live of the city. On the other hand, they know at least sixteen words to describe the color of the sand or the salt, all in their native dialect.

Shared customary codes and values

THOU SHALT TAKE THE HEAD OF YOUR ENEMY   It is true that the Nacheca are wise people, but they are also cruel in combat: life in the desert has turned them into fearsome warriors. For the Nacheca it is customary to cut and take the head of an enemy after defeat, since it is the way a Nacheca can demonstrate to their people and to their gods that they're worthy. For the Nacheca, a warrior who claims to kill but doesn't bring the heads of their preys cannot be taken seriously.   Tribal Tradition rules: Nacheca characters will always take the heads of their enemies, if possible. This will take between 1d4 turns for Small and Medium creatures, and 1d6 turns for Large creatures (bigger creatures have skulls to heavy to take).   Whenever they have their skulls with them, Nachecha characters will have Inspiration bonus to Attack rolls and Saving Throws, but only if they have as many heads as their Character Level. However, they will suffer Disadvantage in Charisma-related rolls. If the Nacheca character drops heads to one half of their character level or lower, they will lose the Disadvantage to Charisma-related checks, but might become tainted.
Subrace traits   People from the Desert: you can apply your Proficency Bonus in Saving Throws against heat. If you can already apply it just double it.
Encompassed species

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