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Playable Races


The races available are listed below  
Changeling Gnomes Aaracockra Goblin Tabaxi Shifter
Dragonborn Half-People Genasi Hobgoblin Triton Warforged
Dwarves Human Goliath Kenku Yuan-ti Loxodon
High Dutchian Tiefling Aasimar Kobald Tortle Grung
Nusantaran Leonin Monkeyfolk Komodofolk Kalashtar Firenewt


The Changeling are white-skinned shapeshifters who are said to have been created through a relation between the god of trickery Semar and the shifting demon Suanggi. While rare in the world, people have an aversion to them because of their ability to mimic anyone they have met and their demonic origin.


The Dragonborn are said to have originated from either the primordial dragon-god in the underworld Naga Padoha if they are a colored dragon or if they are a metal dragon they originate from Naga Surga the dragon god of heaven. Regardless they appear as feathered dragons with manes of feathers at the back of their heads. Additionally there are gem dragonborn which originate from Naga Permata who is an elemental dragon of sorts.


Dwarves in this world are not the usually fantasy equivalent of the tough and creative smiths who weave metal into armor and weapons. In this world they are primitive humans who live in caves away from the civilized society. While still tough they lack the intelligence and craftsmanship of regular fantasy Dwarves. However, they still retain some humanity among cave dwellers unlike the Ebu Gogo who are the cannibal Drow analogs of this world. Because the people are hermits by nature they align themselves with no god and no tribe which gives them a flexible play style while being hindered by their lack of experience with the world

High Dutchian

The High Dutchian use the High Elf stats and represent the purest of the Dutchian people. Almost all High Dutchian are religious in some capacity worshiping either Spiritus, Pater, or Filius to some extent. The High Dutchian believe they have a divine right to speak the word of god for those who will listen. There will always be some who stray from this path but just like any cult they are tossed to the side and their character or connection to the gods is called into question.


Nusantarans are darker skinned elves who originate from Nusantara and are the dominate race of the islands. They all have their own creation stories based on tribal stories but overall are a diverse group of people that have no leaning towards any gods or ideals. They used the Wood Elf stats for their race.


Gnomes are a funny people, living in the woods and trees with the animals of Nusantara's jungles. They are also a wise people who are in tune with the nature around them. Their wisdom often makes them good sages for people to seek advice from. It is said that the creation of the Gnome was from an Arch Gaib known as Penipuan who is the son of Semar the god of trickery.


In this world you can either be half Nusantaran or half Dutchian which doesn't change the stats of the half-elf in anyway. These people are a creation of a Nusantaran or Dutchian with a member of another race. Depending on the mix this may guide a specific class choice such as a dragon blood sorcerer or a cleric who worships the god who presides over one of your parents. Additionally it must be considered that half Dutchian cannot exist if they have only been around for a few years.


Humans are what actually keep the cogs turning in the machine of the Dutchian Empire. They are involved in government and civil service or they are involved as heads of factories for commodities produced by Warforged. They are at constant conflict with the High Dutchian, some are religious while others are not, as the church strives to take power from the state.


Tieflings are born from devils and demons alike through dark rituals or through conception with a demon. Therefore, Tieflings are treated very poorly even if it is not in their nature to be evil. There are many devils and demons that spawn Tieflings, discuss with your DM.


Leonin are tiger humanoids who have a deep culture in hunting and combat. They present themselves as the best creation to appease Sudhanvan the god of hunting. Although most train in some sort of physical combat, there are very few who choose to hone their mind instead of their muscles.


These bird humanoids come in various different sizes and colors. Given their fight capabilities they tend to live in high places and worship Bayu the god of the wind. These birds unlike the Kenku represent the larger birds of the world and have many colorful patterns in their feathers.


The Genasi are elemental people who attribute their creation to each of the gods related to their element. The Earth Genasi worship Sri and Refafu, the Fire Genasi worship Agni, the Air Genasi worship Bayu, and the Water Genasi worship Lanjar, Kadita, and Danu. The worship of these gods reflects their familial relations between the gods in such a way that the Genasi consider themselves children of the gods. Because of this, they refer to Genasi of different types as "sepupu" which means cousin.


The Goliath are mountainous people who have ties to Ratih the goddess of the moon. They are generally a peaceful people even with their nature as giants. It is said that their people originated from the moon when the first Goliath jumped too high and landed on the planet they are on now. They seek the mountains to hope that one day they can jump back to their original home.


Aasimar can come in two different forms, either those spawned from the Dutch side or those spawned from the Nusantaran side. Dutch Aasimar are rare people who look no different from a human but with glowing white eyes. They are seen as saints among the religious Dutchian. Nusantaran Aasimar have blue skin similar to the angels in Nusantara and their transformation is not angelic wings but spectral arms that allow the same benefits. No one knows why there are two different Aasimar.


The Monkeyfolk are a group of long-armed hairy humanoid monkeys that befriend their kind in the forests of Nusantara. Their belief is that a group of Monkeys were given sentience by Refafu and with that sentience they have built some of the most well thought out societies in all of Nusantara now becoming full scholars by worshiping the god of learning Sambu. They have a leader that is appointed the title of Monkey King through a rank choice voting system including all tribes of Monkeys. They use the Bugbear stats.


Long ago, it is said that the gods fought each other over a dispute lost to time. In this war, Durga the goddess of war created the goblin race from bone sculptures to fight on her behalf. Now that the war is long gone, goblins now roam the world looking for something to raid to fulfill their purpose of war.


Every army needs its generals, in the war of the gods long ago when a goblin would kill enough of their enemy they would be promoted to a higher being. Their body would grow and their skin would take the color of the blood of their enemies. This creature would be known as a hobgoblin. Because of their history, their culture very much revolves around perfection and merit.


In Nusantara, it is common to see black birds with some kind of maroon color on their chest and back. The humanoid form of those types of birds is the Kenku. The story goes that Kala, son of Waktu and current god of the underworld did a great purge of the underworld. As these souls left the underworld, they became the Kenku. The Kenku believe they are exiled from the underworld and that when they die they are reincarnated again as a curse to keep living on. With this curse they often have visions of previous lives when attempting to spiritually connect with their past. To avoid this, they attempt to stay as far from the ground as possible avoiding the underworld at all costs.


Kobalds are lesser dragons that were imperfect creations of the primordial dragons. Even with their small size, they turn out to be some of the most resourceful people in Nusantara specializing in creation worshiping Ribhus, the name for the three sons of crafting. They are crafting inventors and make good craftsmen in the towns they come from.


The Komodofolk represent that of the ever prevalent Komodo Dragon. The creature is common on these islands and those who can tame them are deadly foes. There was one such woman who led a tribe that tamed these beasts. With her connection to them, and from Sihir the god of magic, the woman gave birth to the first Komodofolk. They use the Lizardfolk stats.


Tabaxi are the smaller cats of Nusantara including things like leopards or pumas. These more agile cats are also beastly but lack the strength of the Leonin. Because of this, their people avoid fights when they can through peaceful negotiation until they get their claws out. Much like Leonin, they also have a tendency to worship Sudhanvan, the god of hunting.


The Triton are elves just like the Nusantaran's and Dutchian but they fall into their own category because they live underwater. In their separate worlds beneath the waves, they have no allegiance to any tribe except their own. Many say that the underwater is the underworld, therefore the Tritons worship the god of the underworld Kala and its creator Waktu.

Yuan-ti Pureblood

Yuan-ti are snake people created by that Naga Devil Vasuki. They can appear very close to the common Nusantaran but with snake eyes, tongue, and fangs. Some who worship the Devil that created they can even become more mutated but those are too far gone and evil to be a player character.


Tortles have the longest lifespan of anyone in Nusantara. Because of this, they live in a culture of care, help, and understanding. Tortles often represent both Tumbang the goddess of medicine just as much as Lalondong the god of death. Many Tortles live in seclusion out in the world while very few form communities solely based around their race. They are a roaming type of people who slowly make their way from place to place helping who they can.


The Kalashtar are a group of Nusantarans that are directly connected to spirits of their past. These spirits come from the plane of dreams, phantoms who have died and are looking for a way out. Only through entering the dreams of your blood can you escape the astral plane. When these spirits merge at birth with a Nusantaran they are a Kalashtar. The spirits cannot speak with the person directly but when they dream they instead dream through the eyes of the spirit's memories. These spirits can be as young as the person's father or they can be an ancestor from long ago.


Shifters are people that have beasthood within them. It is said that these people have the beast growing inside of the them because of a long forgotten ritual where some Nusantarans drank the blood of a great old one beast that roams the Gaib Land. Whether this is true or not, shifters can take on many bestial abilities even while looking very similar to the standard Nusantaran.


Warforged are construct creations of the smartest Humans in the Dutchian Empire. Now that their society has people who don't need to eat, sleep, or drink, they have the warforged do all of the manual labor in society. When they were first created, it was out of necessity for an army when rival Dutchian Empires were at war, which is why they are called Warforged. Now that all the fighting has stopped and the Dutchians are united, the warforged work to earn their stay so that their creators don't scrap them or decide not to fix them.


Loxodon are Elephant people that live as traveling merchants across Nusantara. Because of their size, they ride Elephants around and have them carry their goods across the islands. Additionally you will come across large boats transporting Loxodons across to a new island. Because they are merchants on the road, they often worship the Sunan Ambu, the goddess of fertility and luck.


The Grung are small frog people that live in colonies of differently and brightly colored frogs. They live in the trees of jungles near the swampier places where they grow new Grung in pools of water. Because of their lifestyle they have a tendency to worship Refafu, Sunan Ambu, and Danu.


The Firenewts are orange and red colored newt humanoids that live in the volcanic regions of Nusantara. Their worship centers around Agni the god of fire as they can literally consume fire and must do so to survive in colder climates.

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