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The Meletus Tribe

"We will prevent the coming of ash" - Bethari Lahar

The Meletus Tribe, family of Lahar, is the wielder of the quiver “Pencari Api” or “Fire Seeker”. Living in volcanic lands is a harsh life that the people of this tribe have harnessed. They are survivors above all else and live off of scavenging what they can while having a mastery of heat and fire.


The leaders of the Meletus tribe are passed down through the family or chosen by the family members. Very rarely a new family will take over through in fighting but the most recent has stayed in power for some 200 years.


They are a superstitious people relying on survival and wisdom to make it through Nusantara. Their belief system is centered around the fact that they are going to die someday. Additionally their life in the ash filled lands with volcanoes has made them a rugged people, except for the Firenewts of course.

Public Agenda

Their tribe believes that they are the only people who can save the sentient species of the world from another purge. They either want to unite the tribes or fight the leadership until they are the only ones left


They don't have much in terms of land. However, what they lack in land, they have more on water. They use the resources they can to live off of the water when not in an area that supports agriculture. They have tons of boats and many weapons from the rocks provided from the volcanoes.


Historically, according to the tribe, sentient species once existed on Nusantara before the current people living here. However, in a great cleansing from the gods, the whole world was ashed and they started anew from a lone hero that survived guided by Semar the god of Trickery.

Demography and Population

Common races include Nusantarans, Firenewts, Hobgoblins, Goblins, and Tieflings. Ratios are 35% Nusantaran, 15% Goblins, 15% Tieflings, 15% Hobgoblins, 10% Firenewts, and 10% Other.


The Meletus have a good foothold on almost all of the island of Patah but lack some places on the coasts because of the Binatang and Racun tribes. However, they struggle to get closer because of the harsh environment.


The military mostly consists of martial fighters but does occasionally contain magic users who can use fire magic to fight.

Foreign Relations

The Meletus tribe is constantly battling the Racun tribe and Binatang tribe. Additionally, now that the Dutchian have landed, they've been having to deal with them even if no out right war has begun.

Trade & Transport

The tribe has a sophisticated water transport system through boats but does also transport goods across the flat lands when something is close by or too important to lose on the water.

Born from ash, burn with fire

Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
They use the same currency as the rest of Nusantara which are nuggets of metals. They also tend to trade in precious volcanic rock.
Official State Religion
Official Languages

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