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The Convergence

A world-changing, catastrophic event where the barrier around the Material Plane faltered, forever changing the face of the planet.


The Convergence occurred on a bright summer’s day, when nobody was looking. For a few brief moments, the Aetheric Veil that separates the Material Plane from all of the other planes of existence suddenly began to tear in like tissue paper. The planes began to spill out onto the Material in a collective moment of utter chaos.   Cities were forcibly merged into mountains that weren’t there a moment before, their denizens fused with the rock itself. Volcanoes belching lava from the Elemental Plane of Fire rose up from the sea, flash boiling all life for miles around. Lush forests became infertile wastelands ravaged by constant magical storms. Two new celestial bodies floated alongside Vanea’s original moon, causing the tides to shift and rage. Monsters and gods were released from their prisons to roam the land. Portals to other planes blinked open and closed at random, unleashing creatures that had no business being on the Material Plane. Highways and byways and crossings into the Feywild, Shadowfell and Elemental Planes cropped up. Every dwarf halted in their tracks and in one voice began to chant, “We honor the Pact,” and then proceeded to turn into stone where they stood.   When the Aetheric Veil stabilized, the Material Plane was forever changed. The Dwarves were gone. At least one-third of the population of the planet was lost in a matter of minutes. The world was forever changed, and the remaining denizens banded together to rebuild what they could. The inhabitants of Vanea began referring to their new home as New Vanea and eventually the name Nuvanea stuck.   Rifts in the Aetheric Veil are cropping up all over Nuvanea. Many malevolent Outsiders are seizing this opportunity to try and establish a foothold in the Material Plane.   As a result, the reformation of the Knights of the Aetheric Order is underway.

Historical Basis

The continent of Ashea is known to be ground zero for the Convergence. The continent itself was wiped off the map, and the whole area is embroiled in an impenetrable mana storm. From what historians have been able to piece together, they hypothesize that the mages of Ashea Historians speculate that the mages of Ashea were experimenting on the Aetheric Veil, and that something went terribly wrong.

Cultural Reception

It is widely accepted that the Arcanatrons showed up at the exact same moment as when the Dwarves became afflicted with the Curse of Stone. Many people consdier the two occurrences to be linked; one race swapped for another, which fuels the hatred for Arcanatrons by those who had lost Dwarven loved ones to this very day.
Date of Setting
0 AC

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