Artemis (AR-tuh-mis)

(a.k.a. the Apex Venator)

Artemis embodies untamed beauty, hunting prowess, and the protective spirit of the wilds. She presides over the primal essence of the forests and the creatures that inhabit them. Her followers include hunters, archers, and those who find solace in nature's embrace. Her presence resonates within the howls of wolves, the rustle of leaves, and the scent of earth. Temples dedicated to Artemis are simple structures found deep within ancient groves.


The Apex Venator is often shown with chestnut hair that cascades in untamed waves. She wears earth-tone robes and holds a bow of yew wood.

Tenets of Faith

  • Learn to read the signs of the wild, understanding the language of footprints, scents, and sounds that echo through the forests.
  • Honor the cycle of life and utilize every part of the animals you hunt. In this way, you ensure that the sacrifice of the hunt is revered with purpose and gratitude.


Artemis' sacred day, Hunter's Rite, is on Sunharvest 19th. It is a day of archery contests, foraging games, and competitive hunts that culminate in a feast. Skins and bones are burned as offerings of thanks.
Class: Prime God   Presentation: Feminine   Domains: Hunting and the wilds   Holy Book: The Primal Canticles   Symbol: A peryton stag   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


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