Donterra (dawn-TEH-rah)

(a.k.a. the Sacred Spring)

Donara's benevolent influence fostering growth and vitality in every corner of the realm. She is revered for her ability to mend wounds, both physical and spiritual, and is also deeply associated with agriculture. Her temples are often adorned with greenhouses or gardens which are tended to by members of the clergy as a part of their spiritual practices. Her followers can be found among farmers, healers, gardeners, and cooks.


The Sacred Spring is often portrayed as a regal woman with flowing, flaxen hair that cascades like a waterfall and blue eyes as deep as ancient rivers.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the duty to care for the land. Foster growth and vitality in the natural world.
  • Act as vessels of compassion and bring relief to those in pain.


Vernal Rise falls on the spring equinox when nature awakens from its slumber. Colored eggs are hidden and hunted for, with prizes given for various achievements.
Class: Prime God   Presentation: Feminine   Domains: healing and the land   Holy Book: The Testament of Growth   Symbol: The world tree   Alignment: Neutral Good


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