
(a.k.a. the Eloquent Muse)

Harmon is celebrated for their boundless creativity and articulate speech. They are a muse and mentor, guiding artists and wordsmiths by whispering ideas and inspiration in their ears. Followers of Harmon are diverse and passionate, including poets, writers, musicians, and other performers. Devotees meet in temples that have galleries decorated by various visual art and halls filled with riveting songs and sermons.


The Eloquent Muse is a youthful figure. They wear a wreath of crimson leaves and carries a lyre. Sometimes they are surrounded in an aura of musical notes.

Tenets of Faith

  • Let every stroke, word, or note have intention. Whether you create to evoke emotions, challenge perceptions, or simply bring joy, infuse purpose into your art to make it resonate with depth and meaning.
  • Be attuned to the whispers of inspiration. Your muse speaks in the wind, the rustling leaves, and the quiet moments.


Harmon's sacred day, the Harvest Gala, falls on the 10th of Crimsonleaf. Festivities include poetry slams, art demonstrations, musical serenades, and short theatrical performances that culminate in a grand feast.
Class: Prime God   Presentation: Androgynous   Domains: Art and language   Holy Book: Opus Harmonic   Symbol: A squirrel and autumn leaves   Alignment: Chaotic Good


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