Lapokin (lah-POH-kin)

(a.k.a. the Verdant Trickster)

Lapokin is is the mischievous yet benevolent god of luck and mischief. He uses his cunning and playful nature for the greater good, bringing unexpected twists of fate and good fortune to those he favors. Lapokin's followers are a merry and diverse group with a love of gambling. Temples dedicated to Lapokin are vibrant, with colorful banners, and the scent of burning incense. People gather there to drink wine and share laughter.


The Verdant Trickster is a youthful deity. Despite his reputation as a shapeshifter, he is commonly shown with a contagious grin and amber hair.

Tenets of Faith

  • Play your hand with boldness, for within every shuffle there lies a chance for unexpected fortune.
  • Where there is darkness, be the bringer laughter, color, and camaraderie.


Lapokin's sacred day, Fool's Day, is a celebration of practical joking. It falls on Bloomwake 1st, and is is filled with entertainment, elaborate feasts, and lighthearted pranks mixed with acts of kindness.
Class: Prime God   Presentation: Masculine   Domains: Luck and mischief   Holy Book: The Eternal Jest   Symbol: A four-leaf clover   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


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