
(a.k.a. the Matron of Ravens)

Morrigan holds sway over the intricate threads of fate and the inevitable embrace of death. She is a mysterious and formidable deity, often appearing as a dark-haired woman surrounded by a flock of ravens. Revered by oracles, scholars, and mages alike. They possess a deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all things and practice forms of divination. Temples dedicated to Morrigan are awe-inspiring towers and are decorated with tapestries that depict significant historical events.


The Raven Queen's countenance is hidden beneath ebony robes adorned with black feathers. Around her, shadows gather like loyal attendants.

Tenets of Faith

  • Recognize and respect the natural cycle of life and death. Death is a transition rather than an end.
  • Flow with the river of time rather than resisting its current. Let go of resistance and become one with the ceaseless current, recognizing that unseen forces shape the course of your personal journey.


Morrigan's sacred day, Hallow's Eve, is celebrated on Woodspark 30th. People wear masks and costumes to honor the spirits of the dead. Rituals involve storytelling, divination, and offerings of food and dried flowers.
Class: Prime God   Presentation: Feminine   Domains: Fate and death   Holy Book: The Corvid Loom   Symbol: A spool of thread and two ravens   Alignment: Lawful Neutral


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