Solanthur (so-LAN-thur)

(a.k.a. the Radiant Arbiter)

Solanthur illuminates the world, bringing light to the darkest corners and justice to those who seek it. Revered as a symbol of truth, fairness, and moral integrity, he embodies the ideals of righteousness and the pursuit of a harmonious existence. His temples are typically built atop elevated ground, catching the first and last rays of the sun. His followers are encouraged to seek fairness, protect the innocent, and stand against tyranny.


The Radiant Arbiter is often portrayed with glowing, golden hair. He wears robes of celestial blue and gold, and carries a radiant sword.

Tenets of Faith

  • Stand against injustice, protect the innocent, and be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.
  • Live a life guided by the principles of honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct.


Illumination Day falls on summer solstice -- the longest day of the year when the sun shines brightest. On this day, Solanthur's followers light bonfires, burn offerings, and dance around the Sunpole.
Class: Prime God   Presentation: Masculine   Domains: justice and the sun   Holy Book: The Luminary Edicts   Symbol: A golden scale before a blazing sun   Alignment: Lawful Good


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