Thorseida (thor-SAY-duh)

(a.k.a. the Dame of Storms)

Thorseida's domain encompasses the vastness of the oceans, the relentless power of the waves, and the fury of tempests. She is both awe-inspiring and fearsome, embodying the unpredictable aspects of the sea. Her followers include sailors, fishermen, and other members of coastal communities who carve her symbols onto their ships and wear amulets with her trident sigil, believing it offers protection and safe passage.


The Dame of Storms is portrayed in robes adorned with shells and seaweed. In her presence, the air crackles with the energy of a looming storm.

Tenets of Faith

  • Stand vigilant in the face of approaching storms. Cultivate a symbiotic relationship with the waves, navigating the sea with reverence and respect.
  • Let the chaos be your rhythm, and find joy in the unpredictable storm of existence.


Thorseida's sacred day, Tempest Tide, falls at the start of winter on Snowfall 6th. Rituals involve lighting beacons along the shore, casting precious offerings into the sea, and chanting hymns.
Class: Prime God   Presentation: Feminine   Domains: Storms and the sea   Holy Book: The Seafoam Scriptures   Symbol: A trident ensconsed in swirling seawater   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


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