Volkan (VOL-kahn)

(a.k.a. the Golden Guardian)

Volkan is the revered god of crafting and protection. His skilled hands shape the raw elements into masterpieces, forging mighty weapons, sturdy armor, and enchanted artifacts. As the vigilant patron of both craftsmen and warriors, Volkan embodies the principles of creativity, skill, and safeguarding the realms against threats. It is said that he watches over the mortal realms and sees everything that unfolds across the continent.


The Golden Guardian is depicted as a muscular figure with a blacksmith's build. He holds a hammer in one hand and a shield in the other.

Tenets of Faith

  • Pursue excellence in your craft. The act of creation is a sacred endeavor, and each craft is a divine offering.
  • Embrace every trial as an opportunity to shape your character. In the crucible of life's challenges, find the strength to endure and emerge stronger.


Craftsman's Carnival falls on Goldenstar 21st. During this festival, artisans and blacksmiths showcase their finest creations in a tourney, where selected champion's compete for the god's favor.
Class: Prime God   Presentation: Masculine   Domains: Craft and protection   Holy Book: The Ember Scrolls   Symbol: A blacksmith's hammer and a fiery burst   Alignment: Lawful Good


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