Adventurer License

The rouvi uteu, adventurer license, is a formal document issued by the Doujatar Kingdom certificating the owner is a registered adventurer.


Within the borders of the Doujatar kingdom it is forbidden to solve problems of other people in exchange for money or explore ruins looking for treasures unless a license is provided. The document certificates the owner is a proper adventurer, meaning that they should have the knowledge and strength to solve problems and explore ruins without risking their life (that is, without a one hundred per cent chance of dying). If a self-proclaimed adventurer is found not having a proper license, they can be imprisoned in any feud's prison for up to five years and/or a fee of a thousand marks.   An inspiring adventurer has to fill a request and present it in any feud to the designed office for adventurer licensing. They will either be assigned with a simple mission or directly tested in a short trial; if they can certify some previous related experiences, military levy or specialized training, for instance, the test is sometimes skipped, for a little extra cost. Soon after, the soon-to-be adventurer receives a short note certifying they passed the test.   Two or three days after, and then once a year, the adventurer goes to any adventurer licensing office in the kingdom and shows their expired license (or the short note received). A priestess of the Moon is summoned as an external witness and three copies of the license are filled and signed by the adventurer, a high-rank military officer and the priestess: one copy will be sent to the capital, one will remain in the issuing office for two years and the last one will be held by the adventurer. The old license or certificate is then burned.   The first issue costs five hundred marks the first time, while the renewal only two hundred.   The license expires every year.

Historical Details

Public Reaction

Some people claim the license is only a sneaky way of taxing the adventurers risking their lives daily to ensure citizens' well-being. On the other hand, the Church, feuds and offices claim it is an essential document to prove one is capable enough to not just waste their life and their client's time, which in many circumstances is precious; the tax is a way to ensure that the adventurer is one hundred per cent committed to their choice.
Licence, Professional
Signatories (Organizations)

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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