Arkadhian Institute of Technology

The Arkadhian Institute of Technology is the most important research center in the Orkozar Edro Šizu, the Arkadhian New Empire.   Being the place of technological advancements, its lead researcher, the director, holds a prominent role in the political landscape of the Empire and has often been, in history, among the imperial counsellors. However, or the same reason, the Sutii Šifjo, the Shadow Court, keeps it under strict observation, and often requests researchers to work on heavily military-biased applications.   It is commonly believed that the institute has very recently rediscovered circuitation of energy, but that the Shadow Court is containing information spreading until the completion of some large, secret project.

Purpose / Function

The goal of the institute is to form future researchers, with particular regard to the magitechnologies and military applications in general. Historically it has not been always like this. Originally the institute was mostly devoted to natural sciences and in little measure to their possible applications; only a century after its foundation, they inaugurated a new school researching magitechs.   The military drift came much later, after the events in the year 1585. The institute director, Lovič Sjetič, asked his contacts in the Shadow Court to help him getting a position as imperial counsellor. They helped him, determining the Court's ascent to power and the abrupt change in focus for the institute researches.   Nowadays the most wanted magitech is the circuitation of energy. Its discovery would probably bring the Empire back to its full glory, launched in a magic-enlightened age.


The institute building has two interesting magitech pieces disguised as architectural elements, both right at the main entrance: the clock and the fountain.   The clock tower is the second-highest of the city, with its 77 meters, only surpassed by the imperial palace. The four-faced clock is round with a diameter of 6 meters and the first-ever build hybrid engine powers it: the clock itself is mechanical, but mages can make magical energies flow in it, making it completely independent from the water-based mechanism. The procedure also has the side effect of illuminating the hands (it is unclear if this is a wanted feature or a lucky chance).   Rumour has it that the clock is currently running on a magical engine, but this can only be possible if mages constantly supply it with energy or with circuitation. Both seem very unlikely.   The fountain is in the square just below the clock tower and is also powered by a hybrid engine. It has three round pools: the central larger one shoots water 10 meters in the air, while the two smaller ones on the side are currently under maintenance. Rumour has it researchers are implementing prototype engines based on an experimental circuitation magitech to study its performances.
Founding Date
612 TE
University / Educational complex
Parent Location
by ArtTower
A conceptual sketch of the four-faced clock.

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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