Corruption Trauma

The Burden of Divinity

The corruption trauma is a term Damparo invented to refer to a condition afflicting him, which makes it impossible for him to keep fighting against the abyss.   Damparo seems to be the sole depositary of information available on the topic. Although he is often vague and secretive, he's willing to share what he knows.   He sometimes calls it "the burden of divinity".  


When first questioned, Damparo explained a prolonged exposition to intense chaotic energies causes the trauma.   Researchers asked him whether living in a place such as Rojgrasz can cause the condition, given the amount of corruption flooding those lands. He answered by saying it is nowhere near the amount necessary to trigger the trauma.   When questioned again some years later, he added that energies alone are not enough to "break a soul". What enables the condition to take over is "the knowledge one acquires during their journey".   When asked to elaborate further, he refuses. His most common excuse (when he provides one) is that "this knowledge cannot be handed down, one has to witness reality themselves".   Since he sometimes calls it "the burden of divinity", scholars speculate all gods experience it. No one has ever hinted at the possibility that the Moon Goddess may be affected too, but it has been a common worry for the head priestesses. This theory checks out with the apparent inability of god-like creatures to fight against the Abyss personally.  


There are no apparent or hidden symptoms, by Damparo's account. He claims the condition manifests only in the presence of intense abyssal energies as disrupting thoughts as if a hostile entity was trying to take control over your mind.   His description aligns well with the late symptoms of the Demonic Taint. This correlation led scholars to conclude the trauma is a powerful vector for corruption, though not dangerous on its own.  


Many researchers, priestesses and mages suggested different treatments over the centuries, but Damparo refused all of them. He claims there can't be a cure since that would mean forgetting everything he has ever learnt about the world.  
Chronic, Acquired

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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