Erve-Eute uf Yenlque (ervøt yf jɛ̃lk)

Erve-Eute uf Yelnque was anthropologist who dedicated much of her life to the study of the Sichin culture. Often belittled by her colleagues, she is now considered as the first fiel-researcher in Doujate, and her works made the forests elves culture known all over Nys.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

While Doujatar scholars aren't well known for anthopological studies, at least not as much as the Shajin are, thre is one researcher of international fame: she is Erve-Eute uf Yenlque, who dedicated her entire life to the study of the Sichin culture. She journeyed much in the forests and wrote much about it. Her books are considered the first and still nowadays the widest written source about the forest elves.
— On the History of Anthropology - Sibi Yall

Personality Characteristics


With my work I want to bring closer to us the culture and traditions of the nomadica elven tribes roaming the forests. It is a shame how little we know about our neighbours. I travelled much among them in the attempt to learn and ultimately understand their way of living.   I focused on some of the eastern tribes: each group has different traditions, or follows the same ones but with some local twists. So please don't forget that when I make seemingly contradictory statements.
— Traditions of the Eastern Sichin, Erve Eute uf Yenlque


Contacts & Relations

Seeing the international resonance of her works, copies of which quickly travelled the sea headed to our Royal Archives, her colleagues tried to belittle her work.   First, they remarked its limitations: being mostly based off her own journey, rather than bibliographical researches, a large portion of the information transmitted regards the eastern tribes, closer to her and easier to reach from Doujate. She is, however, well aware of this, and in no way does she tries to negate this fact, as she explains in the introduction of her "Sichin nomadic tribes": she clearly states that having first hand information is more important to her than writing about further cultures.   Secondly, they accused her of writing unprofessionaly, disregarding any convention expected in a scholarly work. Her style shows her passion for her work, well visible, for instance, in her depiction of the flower festival: frequent personal remarks appear in each of her articles, at times making them sound more like a personal diary than a scholarly work. I don't want to meddle in Doujatar's affairs, but waht is certain is her presenting to Doujate a new way of doing anthropological research: on the field.
— On the History of Anthropology
1895 TE 1967 TE 72 years old

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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Aug 18, 2023 00:05 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article. Thanks for entering the category. :D Much success with the writing! <3