Laregni Festival

The Laregni nate is a festival held in Calotia on april 21st focussed on fresh catri, a salted dough of flour and eggs shaped into different variants. Laregni is a type of catri, cut in flat layers stacked with meat and tomato sauce.   Calotini people prepare laregni and other fresh types of catri from early morning in huge quantities, along with other ingredients, especially the tomato sauce. It has been estimated that in the last edition five thousand kilos of sauce and ten thousand of fresh catri were used.


The festival began as a small party a the beginning of the third era to celebrate the first spring after the end of the dark era. At that time it was on the third spring Sunday, not on a fixed day. The recurring festival and the food quality attracted people from neighbouring villages, contributing to the city growth. With the progressive pacification and civilization of the Free Lands, people from many town and cities began attending the festival.   To make dates clearer, since in different countries the notion of Sunday was not the same as in Calotia, from the year 413 the festival recurs on April 21st.


Visitors from every corner of the Free Lands and rich people from neighbouring countries go attending the festival. In the last years, the city population almost doubled during the festival.   Usually an official delegation from each Free Lands city is present, often including also the judge. in charge of the city. Many traders and other rich people attend the festival from the Lands, more often for business than for recreation (though they willingly buy and eat laregni and catri in the meanwhile).   Several nobles with their procession of servants and counsellors attend the event each year. Once Her Highness the Princess of Doujate, Jule-Aspi uf Elaique was present in city for five consecutive days (the two before and the two after the event) with fifty-two servants, without counting the security escort, which included a Douji siveuf, a wyvern rider.
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Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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