Nadim Neśpal (nadim nɛɕpal)

Nadim was a heroin active in Dźike in the late 1850s. She freed many slaves from the mines, causing huge loss to the Salt Trading Company, the slavers exploiting them.   The organization put a bounty on her head to eliminate her, but without success. In the end, she made a false step and organized a rally against the Company. It failed, and she was killed.   She has been the only person fighting to improve people's lives in Dźike, but her final failure left the long-lasting impression that the current situation is inescapable. The Company makes sure everyone remembers her legacy so that rebellions won't happen again.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She hid her past, and almost nobody knew of her childhood and adolescence. What follows is a reconstruction the Salt Trading Company did to pass on her memory.   She was born in 1833 in Dźike from the Neśpal family, wealthy merchants of slaves holding a fair share of the Salt Trading Company.   Her parents taught her to look at poor people as possible prey. She learnt how to trick them into debts to buy their work. She conformed to this worldview until a dear friend of hers got into trouble. She even participated in a couple of conspirations to eliminate new competitors in the Company shares market.   What they did not teach her was that the share system was volatile. One day you're on the top, the day after in the mines. Her family was close enough with another family, perhaps the Hirdang. She hangs out often with one of the boys in the family. They had the same age and enjoyed spending time with each other. Some say they were lovers, but the official version does not include this information.

The Heroic Years

In 1856, the stronger share-holders decided they wanted more shares and targeted the Hirdang (or whatever family it was) and other smaller merchants to prey on theirs. The conspiracy went as expected, and the Hirdang lost most of their possessions in a spectacular snowballing effect. In a month, they went bankrupt and had to sell everything.   Nadim wanted to help them stay on their feet, but her parents disagreed. Helping them would likely have ended in getting targeted next, and they could not afford it. The event shook her certainties in life, but she was too afraid to make any move. Her first act of rebellion happened when her parents forbade her from hanging out with her friend. She continued seeing him and even gave him some food.   At that point, the Hirdang were on the poor side of the spectrum, an easy target for the slavers. So, as they had done themselves before to others, merchants tricked them into debts, and the Company bought them as slaves.   Nadim was shocked. The system had shown her its true face. She packed some of her most important stuff, took some money and fled from home forever.   She used her family status to access the mines and her knowledge about the caves to navigate inside until she found her friend. They organized their escape and fled to the woods with a couple of other slaves. The Company was not amused, but a couple of fugitives were of no concern for them, so they let it slip.   However, Nadim and her unnamed friend had declared a personal war against the Company. They found a way to enter and exit the mines unnoticed and repeatedly helped people escape. As soon as their actions started to cause significant economic damage, the Company retaliated.   They ask the Neśpal for help in finding their daughter. The family tried its best, knowing the stakes, but could not find any information at all. The Company expropriated all of Neśpal's possessions to repay for the damage their daughter was causing. Using what they earned, they hired a group of renowned bounty hunters to put them on her tracks.  

The Last Standing

The bounty hunters found her but were smart enough not to bring her back immediately. Instead, they helped her scheme a massive slave rally. If everything went well, it would mean the end of the Trading Company and slavery. The first step was to go back into the mines to ensure enough miners would join. She and her friend went as volunteers, but the bounty hunters sold the whole plan to the Company.   During the starting day of the operation, she went inside the mines, but it became immediately apparent the Company was expecting her. A short conflict arose, but the hunters killed her eventually, sealing the end of the first and only Dźikan heroine.  
1833 TE 1862 TE 29 years old

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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