Sea Keepers

The Sea keepers are a branch of the Cajenian League fleet. They deal mostly with pirates.


During the second millennium, as soon as the commerce between faraway lands began passing through the archipelago, pirates appeared, already well equipped and ready to raid cargos. The newly formed Cajenian Traders League immediately reacted founding the Sea Keepers, enforcers with the task of limiting their actions.   At first, they had no chance of succeeding, since pirates had better equipment, but slowly, with conspicuous financial investments of both domestic and foreign merchants, they acquired stronger ships in a larger number.   Firstly, they began escorting some traders, those coming from or going to the Sun Kingdom, in particular, since they were richer. Then, thanks to the new incomes, the Sea Keepers were able to patrol many routes in the west part of the archipelago, which still is the one bursting with traffics.   Finally, when the League constructed the first galleon and gifted it to the Sea Keepers, they were able to actively look for pirates and succeeded in driving them away from the civilised part of the archipelago, forcing them to find cover in the Unknown Waters, far in the east.   The Keepers gold period ended when the New Empire declared war on the League and tried to conquer the archipelago with a huge, unstoppable fleet, in the year 2078. Imperial ships were equipped with powerful, man-powered magical cannons with a longer reach than regular Cajenian ones.   The League would have been completely overwhelmed if it did not negotiate with pirates. In exchange for a more docile behaviour from the Sea Keepers in the following years, the pirates deployed a fleet as powerful as unexpected, including a dreadful galleon which appeared out of nothing, renamed the Ghost Galleon.   The Keepers are currently holding their part of the agreement: they have stopped actively looking for pirates, limiting themselves to fight those found raiding.
Founding Date
Government, Law Enforcement
Training Level
Veterancy Level

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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