Sichine Nilne

Elven Forests

The Sichine Nilne is a seemingly endless forest covering the lands west to Doujate, beyond the Fyranos' pass.  

The Naming Problem

While Nys is, in its entirety, inhabited mostly by elves, the forest has always been referred to as "the forest of the elves". Some scholars suggested it is because the area is their birthplace, from which they colonised Nys in ancient times. However, this theory seems to contradict the Cycle of the Ages myth, so it is highly contested. To complicate the matter, the elves specifically living in the area are referred to as "forest elves".   To at least avoid confusion, forest elves are called, in their own language, Nilne Sichin, while the forest itself is called Silde Sichine (which means endless forest) or Sichine Nilne (which means elven forest).  

The Harmony Forest

Every major organization in Nys funded at least one expedition to explore or study the forest and its inhabitants. They found out that the region and the elves inhabiting it really are two expressions of the same concept. Harmony.   There are no recorded predators, no dangers, no vengeful spirits, no demons. Even during the Abyssal Crisis there were almost no fights in the forest. Every species seems to live in harmony with every other one, sharing food and resources.   The forest elves claim the god of harmony, Nuveshe, similar in strength to the Moon Goddess, keeps watch and dispels conflicts.   Scholars debate whether the god exists. Unlike the Moon Goddess and Canopus, no one has ever seen Nuveshe, talked to them or interacted in any other way. Their acts were never apparent. Others point out how the whole harmony situation would somewhat be their doing.   Especially those denying the existence of Nuveshe claim there are conflicts, but hidden. The true nature of the Sichine Nilne would be the one of a dark forest, where predators hide, kill and disappear with their prey, leaving no trace.   The forest elves think scholars envy their lifestyle and are actively looking to find a way to prove their harmony is just a lie. An unknown bard wrote two verses to answer their questions.  
Burning with envy, they look for the lies,
but harmony lives undisturbed in our eyes.
— Unknown Nilne poet.
Alternative Name(s)
Endless forest
Related Tradition (Primary)

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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