Thas Yarutīh

Founder of the Western Phiaro Company, resourceful and cunny, Thas Yarutīh is a highly considered historical character in the Shajīn Kingdom. He is often thought to have launched the country towards a bright future thanks to his entrepreneurship.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

My final goal had always been, since the foundation of the Western Phiaro Company, to extend the reach of our merchants further, to the Free Lands. I thought that the Arnakian Glass would make for a fine product to open commercial relations. But I needed money to expand the fleet. To fund the first journeys to the Free Lands, I borrowed part of the money from Cajenian bankers, part from private investors in the Kingdom, and part from the royal treasury, after having persuaded the High King himself that I could repay any debt with the rest of the fleet, had the journey revealed fruitless.   It was a huge risk, I was betting my whole carreer on the unknown desires of oversea people. Many friends and relatives asked me to desist, associates begged me to just press on with the usual trades with the Cajenian League, but I was a stubborn young man, reckless, I dare say: never before had anyone thought of trading with the Free Lands, but I had guessed something and I was willing to take the risk.
— The Tale of my Life, Thas Yarutīh
Many have contributed to further the Shajīin Kingdom's influence over Nys in the last centuries: Kings, scientists, thinkers. But among the other categories, one often forgotten are merchants, among which the most beloved and revered one is without a doubt Thas Yarutīh. His contemporaries failed to see to which degree he contributed to the kingdom's power; they respected him as the great merchant he undoubtely was, but they did not see how far his inheritance would reach. Such were his deeds that a statue was erected in the main square of his hometown, Qūkay, and he is still nowadays regarded as one of the most important people in his country's history.
— Personalities in the Sun Kingdom in the 15th century, Quesoscer Kin
1423 TE 1489 TE 66 years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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