Ubeghe Thidra, Silvered Steel

Silvered steel is a magically treated metal alloy which resembles silver but is more resistant than steel and is very effective against demons and other abyssal spawns, making it crucial in the war against evil.   Being relatively spread in the all continent, has names in almost every language: elves call it mize (glittery grey), in the Empire it is uha dieki (light metal), in the dark northern lands it is called szesleby zęky (warrior metal) and in Doujate chili sidre (moon steel). In the first era, it was probably called ubeghe thidra, as scholars reconstructed from ancient documents.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Silvered steel appears as a shiny grey metal. It is cold to the touch and very smooth. It is harder than steel but lighter and retains its sharpness longer. It is not naturally more effective against demons than any other material, but it is easier to be magically treated to achieve that goal.

Geology & Geography

Silvered steel weapons and armour are made as regular steel ones but using iron from special mines. Though this silvered iron is spread throughout all Nys, only the mages in Doujate and the northern sorcerers and witches know how to treat the resulting steel to maximise its effectiveness. Doujatar traders export silvered steel equipment towards other regions for a high price.   Silvered iron mines are usually located in places with a high concentration of magical energies.

History & Usage

Cultural Significance and Usage

Silvered steel acquired a special significance in the two regions most interested in fighting demonic presence: Doujate and the Four Lands.   In Doujate there is a large silvered iron mine in the mountains where the Moon Goddess is thought to live, so the derived steel is considered sacred. They claim to have been the first to discover the magical properties of this alloy during the second era. Doujatar inhabitants used it extensively in many wars against undead and other demons. They claim also that this use brought the material to the attention of the dark land's inhabitants since the eastern land shares a border with the Doujatar Kingdom.   The Four Lands are a dark, dangerous place, where abyssal creatures walk the wilderness, and even the city streets, disguised as normal people. It is mostly considered an uncivilised place: towns and cities are sparse, villages fight daily creatures of the dark and people often try to flee towards the Doujate. In this situation, it is clear why the silvered steel plays a significant role: any warrior who succeeds in acquiring such a weapon will be able to defend their village much more efficiently.   Unfortunately, the only place where silvered iron is found is in the southern land and traders rarely want to deal with the Four Lands, so the material is scarce.
Glittering Grey

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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