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Celestial Researcher

Where Have All the Gods Gone?

To the people of Nyx Divina, deities are not tangible entities that people can communicate with. Despite being omniscient forces of nature, their presence is simply sensed by the meek creatures of this existence. These Gods make decisions that influence the day-to-day lives of those residing in Nyx Divina, yet they do not answer the prayers of their worshippers... or do they?   Celestial researchers believe that the Gods attempt to communicate through the Veil. Whether it be through weather patterns, cosmic events, or the spread of sickness, Celestial Researchers investigate the patterns of the natural world to further explain the motives of those that live in the preternatural realm.   While the profession is fairly old, there has been little development within the process until the last 100 years. More recent documentation of natural phenomena have allowed the experts within the field to better interpret the symbols and use innovative technology to predict potentially cataclysmic events as a result of godly whims.



While many individuals may possess a hobby in celestial research, becoming certified in the profession requires further education. One must attend an accredited academy for 3 years, and then two years as an apprentice to an already certified researcher. Most are employed through a university or scientific observatory but it is not unheard of for them to operate from a religious institution as well. The most prestigious experts in the field reside in Zephyr's College of Arcana and Esoterica on the continent of @Westover, where the Veil is thinnest between dimensions.

Career Progression

Celestial researchers technically begin their employment during their training as an apprentice. Apprenticeships are usually paid positions, but the hard, physical labor tends to weed out those not dedicated to the work. It is not uncommon for this grunt work to include moving heavy meteorites, observing the stars during the graveyard shift, and exhibitions on the ground that might turn into long journeys.   Once accredited, celestial researchers choose a god to focus their work upon. For examples, communication from the God Divinara tend to deal with unnatural bouts of solar flares and unstable magical energies, while Fate may send her omens through tsunamis, floods, or fluctuations in the passage of time.   As they grow in prestige, they may publish research for educational institutions to found new lectures upon, or they may choose to become the Head Celestial Researcher of their facility. They could also choose more political occupations and offer their services to royalty or other governmental authorities.

Payment & Reimbursement

Celestial research is a very lucrative occupation, seeing as the training and education is incredibly difficult. Mathematics, astronomy, astrology, religious studies, and metaphysical science must be mastered to perform well in this position.
Research / Scientific


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