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Exalted Orcs



  Residing in the crystal landscapes of Westover, where arcane energies saturate the very air, the Exalted Orcs emerge as enigmatic beings. Unlike their more traditional orc kin, these orcs exhibit softer features, their skin taking on a striking orchid hue that mirrors the radiant crystals of their homeland. They are born from the very essence of Westover itself, infused with the mystic powers that course through its domain.   Magic is not merely a practice but a way of life for Exalted Orcs. The very essence of Westover infuses them with an inherent aptitude for the arcane arts. From a young age, they manifest magical talents that are as natural as breathing. Many become skilled wizards, sorcerers, or enchanters, wielding their powers with an innate grace that belies their orc heritage.   The gems and crystals of Westover are more than mere adornments; they are an integral part of Exalted Orc culture. Many wear gemstone jewelry and tattoos, each stone resonating with a specific magical affinity. These living crystals are not just for decoration; they amplify the arcane abilities of their wearers and serve as conduits for their spells.  

Traits Summarized

 Intelligence score increased by 2. Resistance to radiant damage.  Crystal Affinity: Gain proficiency in the Arcana skill, reflecting knowledge of the arcane arts and the ability to identify and interact with magical gemstones.   Arcane Adept: Cast the Mage Hand cantrip at will, using your innate arcane energies to manipulate objects from a distance. At 3rd level, cast Detect Magic once per day as a ritual without expending a spell slot, attuning to mystical energies in the surrounding environment.  Mystical Fortitude: Your unique nature provides you with magical formidability. Twice per long rest, you can use a charge of mystical energy to grant you advantage on strength saving throws


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