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Illustrious Dragonborn



  The Illustrious Dragonborn are regal beings of luminous beauty. Their scales, resembling the radiant gems and crystals that grace their homeland, are a testament to their ancient lineage. Their leadership is marked by wisdom and a deep connection to the luminous energies that flow through their continent. They rule with a sense of duty, ensuring the harmony of their society and the preservation of their crystal-rich homeland.   The Illustrious Dragonborn are known for their radiant presence. When they tap into their draconic heritage, their radiant aura intensifies. In moments of great emotion or when using their breath weapon, their scales can emit a glow that illuminates their surroundings, a breathtaking display of their connection to the crystal energies of Westover.   Due to the invasion of their kingdoms by political powers desperate for their riches, they are somewhat unwelcoming to outsiders. The Illustrious Dragonborn have since become the vigilant guardians of Westover’s radiant landscapes, taking it upon themselves to protect their homeland from further exploitation. They maintain a strong military presence, ready to defend their territory against any who might threaten it.   This history of betrayal and secrecy has made the Illustrious Dragonborn a guarded and insular society, fiercely protective of their homeland and the luminous legacy they strive to preserve. It has shaped their interactions with outsiders and serves as a reminder of the consequences of misplaced trust.  

Traits Summarized

 Charisma score increases by 2, reflecting your intimidating, regal presence and ability to command respect.  Luminous Aura: Your connection to the crystal energies allows you to tap into a radiant aura. As a bonus action, you can emit a radiant glow that sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. This glow lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it as a bonus action. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.  Guardians of Westover: Your people are vigilant protectors of your homeland. You have proficiency in the Insight skill, reflecting your ability to discern the true intentions of others and maintain your society’s security.  Sovereign’s Presence: Your presence is daunting to others due to the reputation of your peoples. You have advantage on saving throws on against being frightened.  Languages: Common and Draconic


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