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Sap Goblin



  The Sap Goblins live amongst other fiends in the Treacle Dominion of Faelind. Their skin has a translucent quality, resembling the color of tree sap. This is one of their most distinctive features, as it is a physical manifestation of their abilities. Their eyes, however, are intense and vibrant, usually displaying shades of deep green, amber, or even hues of blue, reflecting their connection to nature and magic.   Due to their uncontrollable life-draining touch, Sap Goblins are often seen wearing elaborate garments and gloves that cover their entire bodies, leaving only their heads exposed. These garments are finely crafted from enchanted materials found in the Treacle Dominion, often embroidered with intricate leaf and vine patterns. The gloves are reinforced with protective spells to ensure that accidental contact with others doesn’t lead to harm. The head, though exposed, is typically adorned with jewelry and headpieces made from flora and wooden materials found in the region.   One of the most feared and misunderstood aspects of Sap Goblins is their life-draining touch. While they can siphon the life force from others, it’s not an ability that is always controlled willingly. It often happens when they are emotionally overwhelmed or in close physical contact with someone. As a result, they are skilled herbalists and alchemists, often using their knowledge to harness the unique flora and fauna of Faelind for various purposes, including healing, potion-making, and even crafting protective charms to suppress their life-draining abilities.  

Traits Summarized

 Rooting Resilience: Advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.  Sap Touch: Your touch carries a latent life-draining ability. When you make an unarmed strike, you can choose to deal necrotic damage instead of bludgeoning damage. The target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, they have their hit point maximum reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken. On a successful save, the damage from the touch is halved. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. It has three charges per long rest. Level 5: Increases to 6 charges. Level 10: 12 charges. Level 14: 16 charges.  Proficiency in the Nature skill.  Natural Magic: You have an innate affinity for magic. At 1st level, choose one cantrip from the Druid or Sorcerer spell list. You can cast this cantrip at will, using Wisdom as your spellcasting ability for Druid spells and Charisma for Sorcerer spells.  Languages: Common, Goblin, Sylvan


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