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Adventurer's Guild

The Adventurer's Guild was an organization established by the very first settler's of the planet and have long since been a prominent part of each nation and how they resolve their issues on local and large scale basses. These guilds are staple organizations to solving issues and requests that keep local towns and villages happy and providing support for their kingdoms people. The Adventurer's Guilds tend to have differences to each individual outpost and how they operate but globally there is a ranking system that is universal between them from lowest to highest being D, C, B, and A. Almost all adventurer's will start at a D rank outpost which will receive most local requests and resolve minor conflicts near their area. Adventurer's can accept quests by finding those that have been submitted to the quest board, confirming that they meet the minimum requirements with the outpost secretary, and pledging to complete the quest to their utmost ability. Once an adventurer has cleared a sufficient amount of quests from their outpost or prove that they as a party or as individuals have a high enough skill level through a Trial of Combat their ranks can be increased to the next subsequent rank. C ranking outposts can receive requests that are from a wider area and involve more complicated issues that may result in increased quest duration, danger, payout and more! B ranking outposts are able to receive quests from different nations and typically are restricted in terms of having a set minimum quality of payout as well as allowing multiple different groups to accept the same quest and even be recruited to aid in A rank quests. A ranking outposts are the most prestigious and well adorned outposts typically being stationed in the capitols of each nation for the sake of accessibility to high quality resources and make for easy access to clients. These outposts rarely receive quests that are B ranked but if the reward is large enough exceptions tend to but most of the time the few adventurer's that make it to A rank spend much of their time working on side projects of their own choosing as their quests can typically lasts indefinite amounts of time but involve glorious rewards to which other outposts cannot compare. As a whole the prestige and allure that come from the lifestyles of being adventurer's are matched if not overwhelmed by the weight that can be carried by quests and subsequent danger involved in an adventurer's daily lifestyle.
Guild, Adventuring

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