Daybloom Flowers

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  Daybloom flowers are large yello or white flowers that grow in areas where Radiance is present, but not strong. These fowers have nly been seen growing since humans came to Oabos. While it is not confirmed, many elementine with vegitation affinity believe that the flowers somehow feed off the light of Radiance, which usually kills and oas infused plants. Somehow, even though the flowers grow in areas with radiance, they still appear to be infused with natural oas without it breaking down and harming the plant.


Daybloom flowers are most easily identified by their large yellow-white petals. The petals are arranged in a tight spiral. The large petals are always open and facing toward the strongest source of Radiance. Unlike most other flowers, the Daybloom does not have any structures beyond petals in the flowed itself. All of the plant's reproductive organs are protected within the toughend stem. These plants tend to grow in large clusters, and propogate rapidly once a few have established themselves near a Radiance source.

Daybloom flowers can be found throughout the twilight band, and occasionally in the daylight region. While the plants can be found in smaller clusters throughout the twlight band, they appear in large patches around towns and villages with Day Wards. These plants grow along the edge of the light given off by the Day Wards, right where the light starts to weaken. When this happens, they tend to form a dense perimeter around the village or town. Stone pathways need to be lain to create perminant paths through the flowers or the quick propigation will quickly fill in any area that is cleared out.

While the flowers are beautiful and often seen as a good thing by forming a barrier to entering the village or town, they can also act as a warning sign if something goes wrong with the Day Wards. Since the flowers bloom at a certain distance from the Day Wards, if the wards are not properly refreshed or weakend in some way the flowers will start moving closer.

Unusual Locations

In recent years, Dayblooms have been found dead in rings within the darker areas of the Twilight Band and the lighter regions of the Dark Reaches. The plants appear to have died facing inward, in their ring formation. It is believed that sources of faint Radiance must have appeared in those areas and been drained until the plants could not sustain themselves.

Cover image: by Kydra_Hunter using MidjourneyAI


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