Element of Vegetation

The element of vegetation is one of the later elements to manifest. For a long time the vegetation on Oabos lived as normal plant life without seeming sentience or sapience. Vegetation is somewhat unique in that we have tales passed down of the time when it first began to manifest, and it is a process that was easy to follow. As the other elements began to manifest, the normal weather patterns and behaviors or the world changed. The sudden loss of the natural patterns left much plant life bereft of the water, nutrients, and light they needed.   This is when Vegetation first manifested as an element of Oabos. Stronger plans with a deep connection to the world core began to develop sentience and raised their roots to move across the ground. These vegetation beasts began to care for the other plants, and seem to have formed for that sole purpose. Over time, this reactive need to care for and protect the other plant life led to some vegetation beasts strengthening their connection to the world core and developing sapience.   This push for a deeper connection to Oabos meant that the soul maps of new vegetation beasts were more and more flooded with Oas, creating the first of the Elementine peoples. The drive to nurture and protect other also seems to be the reason the first of the Eldyr can be found amongst the Vegetation Elementine.  
It is hard to tell if the humans truly understand Vegetation. they clearly care for plants, but do not seem to have any understanding on the life within the plants. They do not appear to even see vegetation beasts as thinking beings, but rather simply as animated plant life without mind, feeling, or purpose. The humans often refer to the element of vegetation as a part of "Earth", as they do with the element of the ground. Even then, many seem to consider manipulation of plants to be a lesser part of the element than manipulation of rocks.   Their attitute toward Vegetation may be why they seem to be so comfortable working with vegetation beasts. Even when they first arrived in Oabos, the humans turned to the vegetation beast first when seeking ways to breed their attack beasts rather than letting the creatures die out. I am sure you are all quite familiar with the results of that breeding; the grasshounds and vile rayhounds.
— Soul Scribe lecture to young Elementine Warriors

Cover image: by Kyrda_Hunter


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