Eye of Expansion

Minor Deity under the Forgotten One

Much like how the Eldyr are direct extensions of the World Core's power, the Eye of Expansion is a direct extension of the forgotten goddess who rules over the human's home world. That world is ancient and powerful. The goddess has many 'eyes' with different purposes. The Eye of Expansion was sent with an exploratory contingent of humans to observe and settle Oabos. When the connection to their goddess was cut off, the humans were unable to leave and the Eye of Expansion faded away into nothing.


The Eye of Expansion is invisible to most on Oabos due to its depleted power and distance from home. The head of the Radiant Spire is directly blessed by the Eye of Expansion, which allows her to to see the lesser deity. It appears as many ribbons of light, ranging from as thin as thread to the width of a human torso. These ribbons of light contain seemingly infinite eyes that watch the world at all times. When viewed up close, the viewer would be able to see the being's many eyes looking out at them. When viewed from a distance it just looks like ribbons of light. On rare occasions a very large eye will open in a thicker ribbon and can be seen from greater distances. Over the time spent on Oabos, the Eye of Expansion has also grown. It is now large enough that its form encompasses all of Chronwhorl, and the ribbons of its form fill any spaces the light from the Radiant disk touches.

I thought I understood my predecessor, but I was wrong. How could I have understood? Such a beautiful child of our goddess, and yet it is so unsettling. So very many eyes. Everywhere!
— Head of the Radiant Spire, hidden away for brief moment to herself

Cover image: by Kydra_Hunter using MidjourneyAI


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