Feast Garden

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  The Feast Garden is a central landmark of Eldrest Village. Unique to this Twilight Band village, the Feast Garden serves as the communal location for celebradtions of all kinds as well as a shelter for the occasional storm swept in from the Windblade Plains. The structure itself is a large stone enclosure seemingly grown from the land rather than carved out of it. The structure is large and irregular in shape, forming a rough oval and taller near the center. From the outside the shape is similar to the nearby hills, but for the regular openings throughout the entire structure.
  As mundane as its exterior can be, the Feast Garden within is the true appeal. The walls and ceiling block out all light from the world star and Radiant Disk. With these lights blocked out, the garden is lit only by the natural luminesence of the Oas rich plants within. This softer glow is steady and gentle. Some fluctuations in the light occur as different plants wither and bloom, or breezes gentled by the layered openings in the walls find their way into the garden.
  Amidst the glowing plants and occational fungi there are small pools of water. The pools are fed by humidity trapped within the garden's walls, and gentle springs pushed up through the rock beneath from nearby magma pools. The warm water gives off its own soft glow from runners of prismem threading through their stone basins.


Tales passed down in the village tell of the Feast Garden origionally having been created by the local Eldyr. Their Eldyr had been involved in one of the first truly terrible battles with the Order of Radiance, which resulted in the death of one of their anciencts. The tales tell of the young Eldyr cast away and to the ground before rushing from the battlefield. Upon settling in the area where the villege now thrives, the young Eldyr drew upon the stone and built the garden's walls as a second skin or armor before falling into a deep slumber.
  Whether from deep pain of the body or mind, the young Eldyr slept encased in rock for twenty years before. At the end of the twentyfifth year of the Eldyr's slumber, a great roar cam from within the stone shell and cracks and openings appeared throughout it.
  During those twentyfive years local elementine and myth-touched humans gatherd to the aura of Oas that all Eldyr generate. By the time the cracks appeared a whole village had formed. The village leaders kept everyone away from the stone shell for five days after the great roar before checking on it themselves. Upon opening a section large enough to enter, they found no Eldyr within. Instead there was a rich garden full of life and Oas.
  The day that the cracks appeared is still celebrated as the Eldyr's Gift each year.

Feast Garden Events

    • Eldyr's Gift
    • Bonding Ceremonies
    • Birth Celebrations
    • Village Counsel Meetings
    • Harvest Feasts
    • Seasonal Celebrations
    • Stormrest

Cover image: by Kydra_Hunter using MidjourneyAI


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