The Forgotten Light

Article is WIP
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  Also referred to as Unnamed Goddess, She, Mother of Light, ████████   The Forgotten Light is the formal name given to the goddess who reigned over the home world of humans. In the couple thousand years that humans have lived on Oabos the name of their goddess has been lost. The immediate danger and stressors of being trapped on an alien world resulted in the loss of much knowledge, and the following years saw far more knowledge partially lost. While the exisstance of a powerful and protective goddess remains due to the clergy, her actual name has been lost to all but the highest ranking clergy members.   ████████ is the natural goddess of her world, and began as a world seed. The humans currently living on her world are in fact a second attempt at beings to populate her world. The first attempt resulted in creatures who grew in knowledge and power, before eventually moving against her and trying to claim rulership of the world. After destroying them, she started again. This time the people she cultivated were designed to follow and rely on her without question.   In the destruction of the first peoples, ████████ kept a very small number of those still loyal to her alive. She filled them with so much of herself and her power that they became physical avatars of her will within the world. These higher beings could not be easily seen by the humans now residing on her world because they were made from her very essence and no longer had a truly physical form. Only other beings with highly concentrated world essence would be able to view these creatures on their own.   [redected:8] is a goddess of light, and control. Much like light, she is always expanding and her need to control leads her to seek out young worlds to make her own. These worlds can be farmed for resources or groomed to grow into greater avatars of herself if the world core can be replaced by one of her avatars early on, without destroying the world.

Cover image: by Kydra_Hunter using MidjourneyAI