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Eadro (pronounced: ee-AD-ro) was the creator of the locathah and merfolk and was worshiped exclusively by those two races, who believe their deity washes their gills with the Water of Life before dropping them into the Current of Existence. though each worshiped him differently. He was part of the Asathalfinare pantheon, an alliance of good-aligned gods of aquatic races.



The merfolk worshiped Eadro with passion, making their supplications open to non-merfolk so that they might hear songs devoted to him. The songs and swimming dances they used in prayer changed with every season as well as during their numerous holidays. They were accepting of the differences in the locathahs' beliefs, but these beliefs were confusing to the merfolk.


The locathah worshiped him as the Deliverer. Only males were allowed in the clergy and their religious practices were kept secret from all others. They used prayer as a form of redemption from the punishment they believed was bestowed upon their race for improper worship, pointing to the frequent enslavement of the locathah by others and their scaly bodies as opposed to the merfolk's smoother ones. They aimed to use their prayer to be redeemed and transformed into merfolk.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

His sacred animal is the jellyfish.
His symbol is a spiral, indicating growth through unity.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Eadro is aloof from other races, caring only about the merfolk and locathah he created. He watches them carefully, knowing the potential for conflict between them. He also keeps his eye on the races of evil that threaten them from without.
Divine Classification
Minor God

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