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"Evil flourishes where ignorance thrives." - Peeriophis the philosopher
Meletis is a polis devoted to learning, magic, and progress. It is the most populous city-state and home to progressive thinkers, pious thaumaturges, and wise oracles. Born from the defeat of tyranny, to this day it pursues the ideals of free thought, societal betterment, and reinvention over stagnation and totalitarianism.
The archon Agnomakhos ruled the area that is now Meletis for centuries. Impressing those he conquered into his legions, Agnomkhos aggressively expanded his empire, spreading it far. Ultimately, though, the heroes Kynaios and Tiro overthrew the archon. From the empire's ruins rose Meletis, a land that endeavors to reject cruelty and oppression throughout the world, and guards against hypocrisy within its own borders.
For a time, Kyanios and Tiro ruled Meletis, striving to govern in accordance with the highest philosophical and ethical principles, which led them to relinquish their power and establish a philosopher-led republic. After the kings' deaths, the council of scholars known as the Twelve took up rule of the polis, with the sage Elpidios serving as the senior member.


Though they aren't necessarily heroic, philosophers are highly values in Meletis, which is renowned as the center of philosophical thought. They form a privileged class, often coming from wealthy families but also supported by stipends from the polis academics and their own students. Different philosophical schools hold political as well as intellectual power in the polis, with five schools of philosophy dominating Meletian discourse.


Perisophia's optimistic Elpidian school currently predominates Meletian thought and politics carrying on the works of the heroic Epharan oracle, Elpidios. The Elpidian school strives to put magic and philosophy to use in improving the lives of all Meletians. Elpidian mages embrace magic in all its forms.


70% Human
15% Triton
10% Centaur
4% Satyr
>1% Minotaur >1% Leonin


The Council of philosophers known as the Twelve serves as the ruling body of Meleti. They are elected by popular vote among the citizens of Meletis and serve for terms of four years at a time. They are supposed to govern by philosophical principles of justice and social order, and many of them do strive to uphold the highest ideals in their decisions. Others are more grimly realistic, and a few are deeply corrupt, serving only their own interests.
The most senior member of the council is recognized as its leader, responsible for bringing the assembly to offer and moderating its debate. Currently, this position is held bu the renowned philosopher and orator named Perisophia.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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