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Session 7: The Second Treasure Report

General Summary

After a restless night in the St. Andral's Church, the party went to visit the Blue Water Inn where they believed the Holy symbol of Ravenkind might be hidden. There it was revealed that the Martikovs were actually wereravens belonging to an ancient order called the Keepers of the Feather. The keepers made it their duty to deny Strahd von Zarovich where they could and resist his rule.
Once the party had been given the holy symbol of Ravenkind by the Martikovs, they made their way to Lady Fiona Wachter's house where she expressed her interest in taking over the rule of Vallaki. The Martikovs had warned the party not to trust her, and cautioned them that Lady Watcher had spies everywhere.
The party, hunting for the final treasure that will help them defeat Strahd, decided that the clues they had been given led them the ancient and ruined mansion and fortress, Argynvostholt where they may find a sword of light in the house of a dragon. Aided by the Martikov boy, Brom, they made the journey to the mountains where the ruined estate watches over the shadowed valley of Barovia.

Character(s) interacted with

Lady Fiona Wachter 
Curse of Strahd
Lucian Felcrosse
Werbum Brightslayer
Luna Moonbeam
Report Date
07 Oct 2021
Primary Location

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