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The History of the Assembly for Arcane Advisment

The First Era

0 9999

  • 312 IE

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    The First Assembly
    Gathering / Conference

    Tharrad GogMoque gathered the most powerful wizards in Lorlithar to discuss an organization that would advise the ruling families on responsible use of arcane power.

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  • 312 IE

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    The Assembly for Arcane Advisement is Founded

    The charter for The Assembly of Arcane Advisement was approved by its original 13 members with Tharrad Gogmoque as the first Arch Mage.

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  • 368 IE

    Acknowledgment of the Assembly
    Political event

    Azgulrennkazad is the last region to accept the Assembly's authority.

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  • 415 IE

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    Lady Ixis Becomes the First Court Wizard of Renfall
    Life, Career

    After the charter for the Assembly had been approved, arcane advisors were sent to regions with that requested them. Lady Ixis is the first to be sent on assignment, and is sent to the kingdom of Renfall.

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  • 1034 IE

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    1037 IE

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    The College of Arcane Arts is Constructed in Fjellen
    Construction beginning/end

    The Assembly believed a place for the study of the arcane arts and the pursuit of knowledge should be built away from the whims and influence of politics.

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  • 1086 IE

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    Sorcerers are Granted Admission to the Assembly
    Cultural event

    Sorcerer's are allowed to join the Assembly for the first time and many flock to the college in Fjellen eager to learn.

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  • 1543 IE

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    2589 IE

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    The Vainland Expansion Wars
    Military action

    The Vainland Empire used its arcane advisor to wage a bloody war of expansion on its neighbors that ended with the Vainland Empire annexing most of central Lorlithar

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  • 2589 IE


    The Treaty of Vennia
    Diplomatic action

    The Treaty of Vennia ended the Vainland Expansion Wars, and introduced the Laws of Magical Conflict.

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  • 3206 IE

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    The Volpian Branch
    Gathering / Conference

    The Volpian Branch is created on the shore of the Grecon Sea as to better service the southern kingdoms.

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  • 3354 IE

    Bisyl Chapter of the Assembly is Chartered

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  • 3565 IE

    Branches of the Assembly in Most Regions

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  • 3652 IE

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    Warlocks are Granted Admission to the Assembly
    Cultural event

    After much debate of whether warlocks could be trusted with the Assembly's secrets, they are allowed admittance by a 7-6 vote.

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  • 4658 IE

    5697 IE

    Urhan Trails
    Civil action

    After Arch-mage Urhan was removed, panic surrounding necromancy resulted in the deaths of 20,000 mages for suspected necromancy practice

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  • 4658 IE

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    Arch Mage Urhan Ostrogar is Removed from Power
    Political event

    Arch Mage Urhan is removed from power after it is discovered he helped several wizards in obtaining lichdome.

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  • 6027 IE

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    6138 IE

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    The Rune Wars
    Military action

    A series of wars surrounding a failed invasion by Mechanus and the creation of the warforged.

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  • 9999 IE

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    The Great Flood
    Disaster / Destruction

    In an attempt to destroy Krastrid, the Deep before they could become a true god, the gods combined their powers to smite them out of existence. While Krastrid was destroyed, the combined power of the gods punctured a hole in the material plane to the elemental plane of water flooding the world and killing their followers, and by proxy, themselves.