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The land of Azgyrath is a great territory that spanned hundreds of miles of the continent of Cryos. In its prime, it stretched as far and wide from Pretheria to the Protectorate and was known for its colossal mountaintop cities with towers that stretched into the clouds and great fortresses with walls over two hundred feet tall. Azgyrath was one of the most powerful and dominant military and cultural powers standing rival with the Eldorai and the Aru, earning its place as one of the Five Great Powers of the World. They were ruled by powerful chieftains of great warrior skill, and powerful magic, the greatest of them referred to as dragonlords, who were led by and answered to a king referred to as the Hierarch or a queen referred to as the Matriarch.


Azgyrath was founded in 500 BD (Before Darkness: Before the Dark War), the Kromnar were originally warriors and raiders that came from another world beyond the one of the Great Gates. They first made landfall in the archipelago of Pretheria, the birthplace of the dragon race, in the far reaches of the north. After fighting them for years they eventually learned how to bond and train them, turning them into the most feared beasts of war as well as increasing their magic. They began expanding their influence moving west, going into the continent of Cryos, and conquering the surrounding lands, building colossal cities across the surface and mountain tops with high walls and great towers that stretched passed the clouds. Azgyrath had been their capital, with the aid of their allies the dragons, the giants, the trolls, and many other beasts the city doubled in size. Then it doubled again and again until it became so vast that it stretched beyond the horizon and it was all that could be seen for miles.

Demography and Population

During its prime hundreds of thousands of kromnar lived in the cities of Azgyrath. The bustling streets and bridges across the massive towers filled to the brim with its citizens traveling across them. Protected by walls that stretched up a thousand feet high up. Until the Dragon Wars began their population thinned drastically, the colossal city fell to ruin and the kromnar were driven from the continent, leaving all of it abandoned ruins.


The Kromnar are some of the most powerful warriors in the history of Oarus. During the prime of its power, Azgyrath had several armies comprised of several types of warriors who rode on the backs of massive six-legged horses, and even larger eight-legged horses, accompanied by giant wolves, and a contingent of winged warriors that reigned wrath and fury from above. The most powerful warriors went into battle on the backs of dragons and other draconids.   Each warrior of the Kromnar carried weapons of powerful elemental magics. Swords and axes of white frost that could freeze and shatter steel weapons like glass. Others wielded weapons booming with thunder that could send half a dozen men at least flying through the air. Some were even laced with lightning that could kill several men in full plate armor in the blink of an eye. Whenever the armies of the Kromnar attacked they brought with them the storm, raining down water, ice, thunder, lightning, and even fire. They used these tactics to disorient their enemies in the field or in their fortresses.   The great cities of Azgyrath were guarded by high walls that stretched as high as two hundred feet with watchtowers at the top. Catapults and trebuchets and ballista could be fired at a moment's notice.

Foreign Relations

The kromnar have been known to be isolationists, keeping to themselves and avoiding interactions with the Twelve Kingdoms of Men, The Azmodian Empire, and the Eldorai. Their closest allies and companions were the Khazaugrim, having learned new means of invention and mastery of steel from the mighty race. For many years the Khazaug and the kromnar stood side-by-side until the Great Exile drove the kromnar back to the ancestral homeland of the dragons. The kromnar had a pleasant relationship with the Eldorai though they shared many disagreements with them on means of magic and balance. A majority of humans shared a deep fear and even dislike of the kromnar while at the same time the kromnar despised most if not all of their political practices causing many difficulties between them.

Trade & Transport

Wood from forests, wild game, furs and pelts, and ice. The Kromnar have several trade routes guarded against the ferocious beasts that inhabit the forests and are safe from the treacherous landscape that is brought by cart. They are also transported by boat through the river networks. In their prime, they would also transport their goods and products as well by dragonback. The Kromnar also make a trade in rare ore for powerful weapons and special tools.
Founding Date
500 BD(Before Darkness)
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Azgyrheim, The Cold Realm, Land of Great Beasts
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Kromnar, Cresotor, Dragons
Gold, silver, bronze coins of any kingdoms, also trade in gemstones.
Major Exports
Ores, gemstones, precious metals, metalcraft, woodcraft, lumber, wool, mead, ale, salt, clothing, ice, gold, silver, platinum, fish, beef, pork, and other meats.
Major Imports
The Kromnar traded for things such as grain, bread, baked goods, spices, and luxuries such as furniture.


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