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The Cresotor are a large magical race of humanoids that live on Eldorahn. As a species, they are a proud, strong, and wise race. Known across the world as one of the most powerful practitioners of their own personally invented form of magic allowing them to alter fate to their own advantage. However the most known and supposedly their greatest achievement due to magic was their ability to attain wings. There is very little known about how they created their own form of magic, but even before that, they have always been peaceful and prosperous people. They have always associated themselves with wisdom, fertility, and harmony. However, they are not pacifists, as some of the most powerful spell-casters have shaped the very course of history and are no pushovers when it comes to martial combat. With the magic behind their physical training, they are a force to be reckoned with. Despite their appearance, they are ultimately the counterparts of the Kromnar which were once a rival race until they formed a union together and have since been united as one people.

Basic Information


The Cresotor are a large race of winged humanoids not much shorter than their warrior-based counterparts the kromnar. Not unlike many birds, their bone structure is honeycombed naturally making them suitable for long distance flights and long journeys. Their lungs are adapted to survive at high altitudes allowing them to soar over mountains and even through the clouds without any difficulty breathing.   After being able to fly at such great heights, the Cresotor's eyesight enables them to see not just across great distances but also from hundreds of feet above ground. Their gaze naturally has the ability to see from a great distance like the way a hawk or an eagle can, by zooming in on a target once they have set their sights on it. If a human on the ground dropped a coin, a Cresotor would see it perfectly from almost 600 feet above them. This allows them to match the sight of an adult eldorai with ease and see danger long before it gets so close.   Despite being so lean and lightweight, the cresotor are incredibly strong. Like their counterparts they also have been forced to adapt to the unforgiving, harsh landscape, extreme temperatures, and aggressive wildlife that only the strongest could survive in. Due to having been at war with the kromnar at one point and matched their strength, instinct, and raw power with their magics, skills, and strategy. This has made the cresotor as a whole a fearsome opponent to fight on the battlefield for any major military force.   At the joints of both wings, the cresotor had a claw that is often used to impale an opponent. The wings themselves are actually quite strong, once their claws are latched to an opponent they are capable of actually lifting a full grown man off the ground with their wings with relative ease. Despite the strength of their wings, any damage done to the wing can cause a serious injury and hinder a cresotor's ability to fly; however, this requires a very precise injury to actually stop a cresotor from flying.   Many of the other races believe that all cresotor are born with wings, but in truth it a little less than half the entire race that actually have wings. A majority of the time, it is actually the female cresotor that are actually born with wings more often than not. This is not to say that there are no male cresotor that are not born with wings, however the ratio of males to females born with wings is quite different in percentage. The wings of the female cresotor are actually different from the males, the females have wings that are sleeker and easily reach high speeds while the males have wings that are larger and are easier to maneuver with.

Genetics and Reproduction

Due to having anatomy nearly exactly like a human's, eldorai, khazaugrim, and other such creatures their process is no different.   As they live alongside the Kromnar, the Cresotor equally share in the harsh weather conditions and difficulty acquiring food, because of this it is common among them to have children in the spring and summer rather than winter though it is not uncommon but still ill advised as well.

Growth Rate & Stages

Like the kromnar, the cresotor age and grow like a human child until they reach puberty and their aging process begins to slow drastically. A cresotor that is born with wings, does not begin to fully mature and become fit for flight until much later on. With a male cresotor, their wings are not strong enough for flight until they are at about 13 years of age. However, with a female cresotor, their wings do not become strong enough for flight until they are at about 8 years of age.

Ecology and Habitats

The cresotor are naturally more suited to more moderate and warmer climates unlike their warlike counterparts the kromnar. Despite this have also built up a resistance to the cold as well. For the cresotor, spring and summer is where they truly come alive. Lush forests teeming with life are considered the ideal home for any of them as it also a time that their magic strengthens exponentially.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Since the beginning, the cresotor have always been a matriarchy with queens having held primary leadership. There have been kings among the cresotor numerous times, however many of them have only been consorts and held royal positions due to marriage with the queen. The title of queen among the cresotor has always been inherited however some queens have been replaced by those whom have been seen as better suited for the role of leadership.   Men among the cresotor have been known to receive a rank of high position as officers, generals, and commanders. However, most have always been occupied by women. This is due to their belief and notice of how throughout history wars are often started by men and so they place the hardest decisions on the women among them to end them.

Facial characteristics

Platinum Hair and Cold Blue Eyes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Cresotor are greatly renowned for their own set of heightened senses, they have greater hearing, and sharper eyesight than any human could possibly have. An average cresotor is capable of seeing a coin fall out of someone's pocket from 200 meters away. Even in the dark of night a cresotor's eyes can see far more than any human and allow them to trace the slightest detail when examining a trail up-close.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Warmaidens, Deathmaidens,

Average Technological Level

The first creation of the cresotor was attaining the power of flight, though it was not through the magic that gave them their wings. Rather it was the fabled cresotor Sky Ships, enormous ships that could fly across the skies and above the clouds. Though these were only used by those among them who could not fly, more often than not by their allies the kromnar. Regardless of who used them, the fact remains that because them they where the first race besides the Aru to attain flight.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The cresotor hold up nature up to being considered sacred. It is their belief that nature is not to be tampered with as it can cause dangerous outcomes to be brought about that can affect all. Because of this belief, they consider themselves to be nature's guardians, ensuring that the world that sustains them and all others remain safe. By protecting their home and the very soil, trees, and wildlife that they are protecting everyone as well as themselves.

Common Taboos

It is expressly forbidden among the cresotor for any spell-caster to perform magic upon sacred ground and ancient sites. To do so would result in banishment from the clan and loss of any medical aid from accidents or battle wounds. Doing magic upon such grounds is considered disrespectful to the clan and seen as a mockery to one's ancestors.


The Cresotor are the twin race of the Azgyr, when the kromnar came through the Great Gates the cresotor came with them. It is unknown why the cresotor came with the kromnar or even why the left whatever world came from entirely. Whatever the reason it is lost to time and only they know the answers. In the beginning, the cresotor once fought a bloody war with the kromnar, their warrior counterparts, to a standstill and where forced to make terms. Since then they have lived among them ever since and came through the Great Gates.   When the age of invasion began the cresotor gave their support and reigned down terror from the skies. With their massive wings, they swooped down attacking with their blades and striking down undefended enemy weak points. Each time they attacked fast and hard disappearing long before anyone could retaliate or strike back. For those among them who could not fly, the cresotor had built massive ships that could soar through the skies. This made them a difficult and dangerous enemy to fight against that could attack at any time from above. If that was not enough, they wielded powerful magic that gave them power over nature and most terrifying of all fate itself. With their tactics and magic very few could actually stand against the Valtyr in the end.   The cresotor continued their travels with their counterparts and sought land to call their own as well. When they fought against the Twelve Kingdoms of Men their magic shook the earth and warped the metal that lay beneath the ground. Not even the metal that shaped their weapons themselves where left the slightest bit unaltered in their battles against them.   When the kromnar fought the eldorai they were matched in skill, but when magic became an issue the cresotor stepped forth. The eldorai had never seen such magic, magic that could actually alter one's fate to their own whims. It was a power that many on Eldorahn had sought and only dreamed of attaining. In the end like the kromnar, the cresotor met their match and chose to move on with their rampage. Though they would never admit it out loud, the cresotor found in the elves a kindred spirits, sharing a similar bond to nature's peaceful and harmonious aspects.   Of all the races the cresotor encountered the Khazaugrim were the most difficult. They shared a strong similarity to their war-like counterparts with their rowdy, boisterous, and battle-hungry ways. However, they had a strong desire for the riches and treasures of the earth. Yet what interested them was their knowledge and skill at metallurgy and crafting firearms. It was a creation that both races had never seen and were curious about though the kromnar were the most curious of the two.   After traveling for many years and the kromnar and cresotor found their way into Pretheria, the cresotor were astonished by the land itself. Its very ground, trees, grass, and wildlife radiated with mystic energy that was stronger than anywhere else. Even the creatures themselves seemed so unique and uncommon to any others found outside the archipelago. But above all, it was the dragons that astonished them the most. For a time the cresotor did the hardest to avoid fighting the dragons and for the most part, they actually succeeded. Then the kromnar bonded to the dragons, many of them becoming dragonlords and dragonriders. The cresotor learned with them these newfound powers and aided them in better controlling them as a majority of the kromnar had little knowledge of true magic.   For a time the cresotor lived in harmony with their allies until the Dragon Wars came, which nearly resulted in their extinction as well as that of the kromnar and the dragons. When the Hunts came they did their best to shelter the kromnar but they could not fight against what seemed like the entire world trying to wipe them out in their weakened state. Since then a few of the cresotor have remained in Azgyrath guarding its ruins and its secrets. Some stories say that the rest of them fled to Pretheria with the kromnar and remain in hiding as well. Whatever the case, the answers will only be found there.

Common Myths and Legends

It is claimed by many that the Cresotor are descended from birds and that their wings are remnants of what they once were. But this is lie as they are actually a Kromnar subspecies, their alterations are due to experiments done with powerful magics that many of them did on themselves.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

At the start, the cresotor were against mixing with other species, even with the kromnar, until after they established a peace and became united. For a time they only saw the kromnar as worthy and ultimately the only acceptable race to mix with. It was not until after several hundred years later that cresotor had chosen to mix with other species such as eldorai, khazaugrim, and humans alike.
Scientific Name
Homo Aves
300 years
Average Height
7ft - 8ft 5in
Average Weight
315lbs - 360lbs
Average Physique
Tall, lean, honeycomb bone structure, wingspan stretching to 14ft 9in - 17ft 5in long, talons at the wing's joint.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale skinned.


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