Abdulkareem Nader Character in Oasis | World Anvil
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Abdulkareem Nader

Abdulkareem Nader (a.k.a. Abdul)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lithe build

Body Features

Abdulkareem's hair glows like fiery embers in his bangs and near the ends.

Physical quirks

When his emotions are running high the fire in his hair and eyes burns hotter and turns blue.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Abdulkareem's parents owned an inn and tavern named The Dancing Flame in Amberview that offered both family friendly and more adult themed entertainment, both legal and not. Once he was old enough Abdul worked for his parents business conning people at the gambling tables and persuading them to spend more money around The Dancing Flame. He developed an uncanny ability to read and manipulate people. As he aged Abdul spread his work into the back rooms as well as the front ones, and as such he is no stranger to the wrong side of the law and the world of bodily pleasures. It takes quite a bit to ruffle or embarrass him anymore. Eventually Abdul grew bored of his work at The Dancing Flame and wanted to try his tricks out in the wider world.




Abdulkareem received an informal and somewhat erratic education from his parents and the workers at The Dancing Flame.


Until he left to explore the world Abdulkareem worked as a conman and entertainer at The Dancing Flame.

Morality & Philosophy

While he has no real wish to hurt anyone, Abdulkareem sees laws and other rules to be amusing obstacles rather than things to be followed. However, he does follow a sort of code of thieves' honor. He fancies himself a gentleman thief and considers it unforgivably rude to interrupt a deal in progress.

Personality Characteristics


One of the few things Abdulkareem genuinely cares about is being able to play "The Game". He wants to continue to improve his skills and face harder and harder challenges/opponents. In this way he finds genuine delight in being caught or called out on his tricks, or even being tricked himself, as it means he now has something or someone new to play the game with. Similarly, while money and riches and treasures are good ways to keep score, they are score markers that one can easily part with as there are always more points to be had around the corner. This worldview has led to one particular fear that gnaws at the back of Abdul's mind. What if someday he becomes too good, when there is nothing to challenge him and The Game has to end? What does he do then?

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Games (especially games of chance), dancing, spicy food   Dislikes: Following law/rules, water

Vices & Personality flaws

Abdulkareem often takes unnecessary risks just for the thrill of it.

Personality Quirks

Abdulkareem often makes small movements with his hands and head as though he is dancing in his mind, especially when in the middle of a card game.


Contacts & Relations

Abdulkareem maintains occasional contact with his parents and the other workers at The Dancing Flame. Many of these people have contacts in the criminal underworld, especially in Orcharia.

Religious Views

"My people tend not to be particularly religious in the traditional sense, but I suppose if I were asked to choose which god I favoured it would be Prometheus. He was the only one wise enough to spread the flames. I know most would expect fire genasi to be partial to Hephaestus, who claims to be the god of fire, but Hephaestus is a fool. He is the god of the forge and metalwork surely, but one cannot truly be the god of fire if their aim is control. He is a mere pretender. Fire cannot be controlled, it can be temporarily harnessed or worked with, but never controlled. To truly understand fire one must understand it's nature. Fire is death and life. Destruction and creation. It is the greatest contradiction, true chaos. To watch the flames, to call upon their power and know that you are the one who freed them into the world, and to be even temporarily a part of that chaos can be a nearly transcendent experience. I imagine it might be akin to what traditionally religious people feel upon hearing their god. But for us there can be no greater goal, no greater joy than to be like the flames and to feel them burning in and around you.   Perhaps this might help. Would you like to see why our little business is called The Dancing Flame?"   Abdulkareem stands and for several moments simply stares into the campfire. Then, almost suddenly, he begins to move. He seems to be following the flames in dance, or perhaps they are following him? Or...maybe neither is following and they move as one? The pace of the dancers, both man and flame, quickens and soon both are engaged in a rapid duet as the flames rise higher and higher in the fire pit. Suddenly, when the flames have reached nearly the same height as Abdul his movements cease and the flames return to their original state in the campfire, as if nothing at all had just happened. Abdul stares into the flames a few moments more before he focuses back on his audience.   "There, does that help?"

Wealth & Financial state

Abdulkareem has a habit of spending his money almost as fast as he makes it.
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
20th of Alexandrite Moon, 329
Amberview, Orcharia
Glowing reddish yellow
Varying shades of red
5' 8"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You seem to be have having a streak of bad luck friend."   "Fancy a bet/wager?"   "Oh? Prove it."
Known Languages
Common, Primordial, Thieve's Cant

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