Arlyn Mahromnath Character in Oasis | World Anvil
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Arlyn Mahromnath

Arlyn Mahromnath

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Special abilities

Can breath on land and underwater. Gust of Wind, Fog Cloud, and protection from Good and Evil.

Apparel & Accessories

Leather armor, shield, staff, bow and arrow, two maces, and shawm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arlyn Mahromanth was born and raised in Riverton. She has one older brother and younger twin siblings (one girl and one boy). She grew up in a Middle Class family with a paladin mother and father. She was meant to follow in the footsteps of her parents and become a paladin and to honor the all glorious Poseidon. However, as Arlyn grew up, her faith in Poseidon wavered and so did her faith in her own community. When Arlyn was 14 (human age), her twin siblings were kidnapped by a group of strangers, that consisted of humans, tritons and orcs). At this point, becoming a paladin was of a little importance and she was committed to finding and protecting her twin siblings. When Arlyn was 16 (human age) she left home to find her missing siblings. She had followed every lead into their kidnapping, but was frustrated at every turn. Every. Single. Lead. Was. Bogus. She had no where left to explore. Instead of going home, Arlyn, disappointed and ashamed in her efforts, became a recluse in the forest, away from her family and all of civilization. Eventually she found a group of rangers and rogues, who she hung around and “conquered evil” with, and who helped to teach her the ways of the world (which are kind of questionablehowever, for the most part she liked to be alone. Eventually she would leave her fellow warriors alone and would train herself in the art of being a ranger, or more specifically a Monster slayer. As a triton she was already committed to protecting her own community from the dark creatures that lurked in the water, however, as she continued her journey throughout Lunaecia, she saw that there were many creatures that took advantage of and hurt the local communities that she visited. This is why she became a Monster slayer. She did not wish for another family to be hurt by the actions of a careless group of hooligans, who would do anything to destroy the world.   Despite the fact that Arlyn is dedicated to fending off monsters and trying to find her siblings, Arlyn spends much of her time alone, exploring various forests or walking along the coasts. Since Arlyn has been alone for about 10 years and has mostly been on her own, she definitely lacks any interpersonal skills. This, of couse, also has to do with Triton’s being a bit anti-social with other races and their better than thou attitudes, but Arlyn takes this to a whole other level. Of course her crassness is not merely due to her isolation or her race, she is also very paranoid of others. She never knows if the person she is talking to could be related to her siblings kidnapping/kidnappers. Overall, it takes her a lot longer to feel comfortable with others and Arlyn, at no point, will ever divulge ANY information about her past. Spending time alone on her travels, Arlyn can sometimes use alcohol as way to cope with her own self-hatred whilst trying to cure any loneliness she may feel at the time.   Arlyn has and knows she has many flaws, but is too stubborn to change herself (more like she no longer has any idea how to be a good person). When she was younger she was quite optimistic about the world and everyone around her, but after the disappearance of her brother and sister, she vowed to never be so “stupid.” Arlyn places tends to value the survival of humanity oftentimes over her own well-being. When she is offered any prize for her work, she often declines as she has no desire to acquire or keep any money. She relied heavily on the elements and resources around her in the wild, so she never really needed to buy anything. She’s actually quite irritated at those whose only mission in life is to be rich, or those who have wealth, but rarely help those who are suffering. The technologies of the “civilized” world bother her also and she doesn’t waste her time to understand them. Arlyn also believes that nature is the most important thing in the world, which is one of the reasons why she decided to stay in the wilderness so long. This then means that those who try to destroy nature or the world, for any reason, means she is willing to fight to her death if it means protecting the natural world and those she cares about. Also, Arlyn is willing to fight basically whenever, wherever, just ask her nicely or not.

Gender Identity



Paladin schooling.


She has never really "worked," more like volunteered fighting off monsters for small forest and water communities.

Accomplishments & Achievements


Failures & Embarrassments

Basically her whole life... or so she thinks

Mental Trauma

Her twin siblings were kidnapped when she was a teenager.

Intellectual Characteristics

Arlyn knows a lot about surviving in the wilderness.

Personality Characteristics


Finding the kidnappers of her siblings.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Killing monsters. Water. Long walks in the forest and the beach. Being alone. Dislikes: People who are too happy. Talking. Monsters. Materialistic people.

Virtues & Personality perks

Devoted to saving the world.

Vices & Personality flaws

Rarely talks. Paranoid. Act now, think later (fight! fight! fight!). Never opens up about her past. Really bad with people, like really bad.


Family Ties

Older brother and a younger sister and brother.

Religious Views


Wealth & Financial state

No money.

Level 3 Ranger Monster Slayer

Current Location
View Character Profile
Chaotic neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Miss Monster Slayer
Date of Birth
April 18th
Under the seaaaa
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Aquan, Primordial.

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