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Born of the proud race that created and shaped the world of Oasis, Dragonborn are their bastard kin. As a race, they are highly favored compared to all others, but universally shunned by their dragon lineage. After the Great Divide, the Dragonborn are left to the mortal realm to live freely, displaying their heritage with honor. Because of that, many Dragonborn hold high commanding positions in politics and ruling classes as well as holding a steady occupation in the military. Because of their lineage, they favor living in Orcharia, where the first dragon was rumored to have been born. They are much taller and bulkier than the average humanoid. They lifespan is about the same length as a human. Their diet is mainly red meat but some Dragonborn have been known to be omnivorous.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragonborn mainly feast on red meat, but some are known to be omnivorous if they so choose.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most of the Dragonborn race are located within Orcharia but vary from place to place.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dragonborn have personal names given at birth, but they put their clan names first as a mark of honor. A childhood name or nickname is often used among clutchmates as a descriptive term or a term of endearment. The name might recall an event or center on a habit.

Beauty Ideals

Strength and power are seen as attractive traits, not only for practical purposes such as producing stronger offspring, but also as a link to their dragon heritage. Dragonborn value physical strength and a strong body across both genders. A dragonborn's breath weapon is seen as a sign of virility, with those capable of producing a stronger elemental blast being seen as dominant over those with weaker abilities. Aside from strength, dragonborn value a well-kept appearance, with special care needing to be taken for an individual's scales and horns. Scales with a uniform color and luster are seen as attractive, and brighter hues are seen as more exotic and desirable. Grooming of ones horns to ensure that there is no loose keratin or jagged edges is key, akin to the styling of hair among other races. The display of gold or silver adornments is often eye catching and seen as desirable among wealthier society.

Gender Ideals

Both male and female dragonborn are accepted in all parts of modern society, and each is welcome to pursue his or her own path in life. However, due to the history of the race there are certain roles which favor one gender over the other. Due to the history of Zortharha the Gold in the race's history, males are more often seen in positions of religious leadership. In addition, the larger size and comparatively higher strength of males leads to more of them being present in the various regions' military as foot soldiers, while females are seen more often in positions of leadership and overseeing logistics.   The dragonborn's long history of selective breeding is a female dominated field, with there being a long held belief that those who give birth have greater insight into how life is created and altered. Due to this, most areas of scientific study are female led within dragonborn society, with males providing assistance. However, even with history behind these roles they have continually become looser as time continues.   Other than their preferred careers and social positions, there are few ideals that separate male from female dragonborn. Each is still expected to be strong and loyal to their community, and the lack of either quality is seen as undesirable in either gender. Dragonborn society tends to place more value on the accomplishments of any individual than on the attributes of the individual who performed them.

Courtship Ideals

Dragonborn courtship is a simple affair, with the male more often than not being the one to ask for the female's hand in union. Such relationships usually occur early in a dragonborn's life, typically beginning sometime between the late teens and early twenties. Though later relationships are not uncommon, a female's ability to produce viable eggs rapidly decreases after the age of thirty, leading most families and matters of courtship to be cemented before that age. Regardless of the age that courtship begins, a courting period of several months is usually engaged in before cementing the relationship. Though regional differences do exist across Lunaecia and among dragonborn in general, there are a few ideals which are held throughout.   Due to the emphasis that dragonborn culture places on strength, a suitor often pits himself or herself against a potential mate in ritual contest. These trials, involving feats of physical prowess, mastery of one's breath weapon, and matters of knowledge and craftsmanship are all undertaken, with the families of both parties overseeing and judging the affair. By comparing each member in the relationship, both the potential couple and their extended families can see the compatibility and equality that a potential union could bring. Such a well matched pair is important in dragonborn culture, as each member of a family is expected to be able to provide for the other, with no one side shouldering too much of the burden.   Provided that both the couple and their families are satisfied, the final task is the exchange of tokens to symbolize the new lovers' union. These tokens, commonly golden rings or other jewelry, are treasured possessions, and it is up to each potential partner to have such an item personally forged or crafted. Upon their exchange, the new couple is officially recognized in a brief ceremony among a gathering of friends and family.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships are a highly equal responsibility within the dragonborn culture. While females are obviously the only members in a relationship that can lay eggs and produce children, both parents are expected to care for unhatched eggs and hatchlings in equal measure. In order to provide for a growing family, both partners are expected to perform some kind of work, allowing for the best possible livelihood for themselves and their offspring.   Most dragonborn relationships are monogamous, and infidelity is often met with shame and derision by the community. Likewise, separations are not viewed favorably, with priesthoods needing to be consulted to officially dissolve a union. Typically, a dragonborn couple will remain together for the rest of their lives, caring for each other throughout old age and providing a watchful eye for the hatchlings of their own children. Dragonborn that survive the passing of their partner are not expected to form other romantic relationships, but instead to nurture the growth of the hatchlings of other families as a revered member of the community.     Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild

Major Language Groups and Dialects

It is customary that all dragonborn speak draconic, but most have picked up dwarvish and giant.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Once a year, there is the Festival of Dragons, that is observed by everyone in all of Lunaecia. But for dragonborn it is very special. Each year, before midnight, two dagonborn, one male and one female, are chosen to serve the heavenly dragons for the rest of their lifetime. It is observed in the month of the Bloodstone Moon.

Historical Figures

  • Zortharha the Gold was the first dragonborn recorded in Lunaecia history. Responsible for leading the dragonborn race without the guidance of their dragon ancestors and creating their culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Though cordial with most every race, Dragonborn stick to their own kind as none can truly compare. Though it is rare but still possible for a dragonborn to mate with a goliath. They tend to stay away from dwarves and elves.
80 years
Average Height
Medium size, over 6ft
Average Weight
250 lbs

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