Goliath Species in Oasis | World Anvil
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Goliath are a reclusive bunch that mainly inhabit the Violent Hill Territories with orcs. Some frequint the mountains in Aspain. Sometimes confused with earth genasi, goliath live in small tribes within the mountains. As nomads they do come into contact with outside races, but gives them little trust. An average goliath would live their life without really interacting with any other outside race. Their speech is blunt and short as to conserve their energy and breath on higher planes. Goliath live through hardships to survive. Their daily lives tend to be about travelling, fighting, and eating. Self sufficiency is their top priority followed by safety for the tribe. As a proud race, the most respected goliath is one that is consistently self sufficient and able to be efficient in such harsh climates as well as victories in battle. They then become cheifs and heroes within their tribes. Though, on a darker note, goliath tend to be overly competitive with everything and are driven to make sure they outdo everyone. Thus it is almost rare to see a goliath reach old age as the young continue to strive to outdo their peers even if it means certain death.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Skin relative to stone and large features. Very muscular.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Every goliath has three names: a birth name assigned by the newborn’s mother and father, a nickname assigned by the tribal chief, and a family or clan name. A birth name is up to three syllables long. Clan names are five syllables or more and end in a vowel. Birth names are rarely linked to gender.   A goliath’s nickname is a description that can change on the whim of a chieftain or tribal elder. It refers to a notable deed, either a success or failure, committed by the goliath. Goliaths assign and use nicknames with their friends of other races, and change them to refer to an individual’s notable deeds.   Goliaths present all three names when identifying themselves, in the order of birth name, nickname, and clan name. In casual conversation, they use their nickname.

Gender Ideals

Goliaths see females and males as equal in all things, and they find societies with roles divided by gender to be puzzling or worthy of mockery. To a goliath, the person who is best at a job should be the one tasked with doing it.

Courtship Ideals

To court another goliath one must defeat the other in a wrestling match. If it comes to a tie it is up to the courtee to decide. Their courtship is very similar to dragonborn.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common and Giant.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

As goliath are competitive in nature their competitions measure their talents and skill and are always on level playing fields. If they have a leg up on their competitor they make sure that they are on equal footing when fighting.    Nobility and separate classes are puzzling to goliaths. THey are also blunt and to the point, not wanting to waste breath on pleasantries.    Goliath's who are fully selfish and not thinking of the tribe/putting them in danger they are exiled and forced to wonder the dangerous terrain alone. Most don't survive over a year. No matter what, through injury or sickness, they must pull their weight. They are given more respect that way.    Death is seen as a more honorable choice than being a coward or growing to old age. As risk takers they are in danger of not flly gaining experience outside of their abilities and limits.

Common Taboos

Putting their tribe in danger.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Finds other species and their gender ideals and society structure confusing and will speak up about it when prompted.
<100 years
Average Height
7-8 ft
Average Weight
280-340 lbs

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